[37], Gardens also often include small, austere houses for solitude and meditation, sometimes in the form of rustic fishing huts, and isolated buildings which serve as libraries or studios (shufang). A scholar himself, he integrated elements of the scholar garden into his grand imperial garden. It was located on the side of a mountain, and included a series of terraces connected by galleries, along with a lake where boats in the form of blue dragons navigated. Stones – indicating stability and strength 3. After the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), gardens were frequently constructed as retreats for government officials who had lost their posts or who wanted to escape the pressures and corruption of court life in the capital. Chinese gardens are distinctive in their symbolic use of water, stone, plants, and architecture to create a place of beauty, vibrant with flowing qi, the universal energy. Chinese architecture is one of the major categories in the history of world architecture. It was built so the emperor could walk through the garden protected from the elements. These gardens are on UNESCO’s World Heritage site list. Lettres édifiantes et curieuses écrites des Missions étrangères par quelques missionaires de la Compagne de Jésus," Paris, Fr. The park was later destroyed, but its memory would continue to inspire Chinese garden design for centuries. The spirit rejoices at the mountains and ravines. It was designed for the occupation of an extended family, typically three generations. Later Chinese philosophers and historians cited this garden as an example of decadence and bad taste. For thousands of years, its unique feature of wooden construction system has become the essence of Chinese classical architecture culture, which has spread to east Asian culture … The edges are planted with flowers in rock gardens, which seem to have been created by nature. Chinese gardens aren’t laid out in a way that you can see the entire garden all at once. The Khan himself goes every week to see his birds sitting in mew, and sometimes he rides through the park with a leopard behind him on his horse's croup; and then if he sees any animal that takes his fancy, he slips his leopard at it, and the game when taken is made over to feed the hawks in mew. A water element is also a welcome complement to the rock garden and mountains. Other lakeside pavilions were added, including a reverence hall, a recitation hall, and a special pavilion for watching the fish. The term “borrowed scenery” refers to the elements of a Chinese garden that actually lay outside the garden walls. [12], Painting and poetry reached a level never seen before, and new gardens, large and small, filled the capital city, Chang'an. In a scholar garden the central building was usually a library or study, connected by galleries with other pavilions which served as observation points of the garden features. These four elements manifest the opposing principles of yin (earth/receptive/dark) and yang (heaven/creative/bright). [9], The Orchid Pavilion inspired Emperor Yang (604–617) of the Sui dynasty to build his new imperial garden, the Garden of the West, near Hangzhou. During the Song dynasty, the artificial mountains were made mostly of earth. From the highest terrace, a view extended as far as Lake Tai, the Great Lake.[7]. This style of 'dry garden' was later imported into Japan and transformed into the zen garden. The apricot tree symbolized the way of the mandarin, or the government official. [46] Pear trees were the symbol of justice and wisdom. In the center of his garden he had constructed an artificial mountain a hundred meters high, with cliffs and ravines, which he named Genyue, or "The Mountain of Stability." By 1279, he annihilated the last resistance of the Song dynasty and unified China under Mongol rule. The scholar's garden participated in this quest; on the one hand the quest for the home of the Immortals, on the other hand the search for the world of the golden age so dear to the heart of the scholar. "[29], Chinese classical gardens varied greatly in size. Small gardens have a single lake, with a rock garden, plants and structures around its edge. Instead, small scenes are set up so that as you wander through the garden, you come upon several intimate settings to view. [81] Temple had never visited China, but he had read the works of European travelers there. Laborious Chinese struggling individuals produced numerous building wonders such as the Great Wall Surface, Forbidden City as well as the Mausoleum of the First … By moving from structure to structure, visitors can view a series of carefully composed scenes, unrolling like a scroll of landscape paintings. To the east was a garden of medicinal herbs, and to the west was an artificial mountain, with a belevedere at the summit to view the surrounding neighborhoods. In 1127, Emperor Huizong was forced to flee from the Song capital, Kaifeng, when it came under attack by the armies of the Jurchen-led Jin dynasty. The school of painting called "Shanshui" (literally 'mountains and water' and with the actual meaning of 'landscape'), which began in the 5th century, established the principles of Chinese landscape painting, which were very similar to those of Chinese gardening. Streams come into the lake, forming additional scenes. The poet Zhou Dunyi wrote a famous elegy to the lotus, comparing it to a junzi, a man who possessed integrity and balance. Under the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), a new imperial capital was built at Chang'an, and Emperor Wu built a new imperial garden, which combined the features of botanical and zoological gardens, as well as the traditional hunting grounds. It could be used to find solitude and for contemplation. The Venetian traveler Marco Polo is believed to have visited Xanadu in about 1275, and described the garden this way: "Round this Palace a wall is built, inclosing a compass of 16 miles, and inside the Park there are fountains and rivers and brooks, and beautiful meadows, with all kinds of wild animals (excluding such as are of ferocious nature), which the Emperor has procured and placed there to supply food for his gerfalcons and hawks, which he keeps there in mew. This he does for diversion."[20]. He noted that Chinese gardens avoided formal rows of trees and flower beds, and instead placed trees, plants, and other garden features in irregular ways to strike the eye and create beautiful compositions. He described the effect he wanted to achieve in the design of an autumn garden scene: "The feelings are in harmony with the purity, with the sense of withdrawal. Sectioning off the garden makes the elements of the area stick out and appear even more vibrant. Suzhou is the heart and origin of the world’s oldest and most well known classical Chinese Gardens. Including a miniature mountain in the Chinese garden isn’t just for esthetic appeal. The most famous garden of the Yuan dynasty was Kublai Khan's summer palace and garden at Xanadu. In this garden, a series of twenty scenes, like the paintings of a scroll or album, unrolled before the viewer, each illustrated by a verse of poetry. Kings and members of the nobility during the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BC) hunted and planted fruits and vegetables in their gardens. Some buildings have connected hallways and pavilions, each of which will have a view of a different area of the garden. Elements of Chinese garden - ROCKS • Rocks - The artificial mountain (jiashan) or rock garden is an integral element of Chinese classical gardens. The buildings were built to survive the frequent earthquake, typhoon and flood disasters and to be easier to rebuild. The poet Bo Juyi (772–846) wrote a catalog of the famous rocks of Lake Tai, called Taihu Shiji. The city of Lin'an soon had more than fifty gardens built on the shore of the Western Lake. For the effect to be truly marvelous, it must be done purely by the force of the brush." It was built during the reign of the Zhengde Emperor (1506–1521) by Wang Xianchen, a minor government administrator who retired from government service and devoted himself to his garden. Rocks are chosen based on their shape, texture, substance, color and softness. Some of them were said to look like the heads of lions. Flowers and trees, along with water, rocks and architecture, are the fourth essential element of the Chinese garden. [6], During the Spring and Autumn period (722–481 BC), in 535 BC, the Terrace of Shanghua, with lavishly decorated palaces, was built by King Jing of the Zhou dynasty. Ji Cheng built a garden for Wu Youyu, the Treasurer of Jinling, that was just under one hectare in size, and the tour of the garden was only four hundred steps long from the entrance to the last viewing point, but Wu Youyu said it contained all the marvels of the province in a single place. Chinese gardens typically always have fragrant flowers to set the atmosphere. The Main Hall of the Retreat & Reflection Garden, A pavilion with a fan-shaped viewing window in the pond of the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Long gallery for viewing the lotus pond at the Prince Gong Mansion in Beijing, Garden gate of the Prince Gong Mansion in Beijing. When he returned (as a captive of the Jurchens), he found his garden completely destroyed, all the pavilions burned and the art works looted. These views are often unexpected, because most people don’t think to look outside the garden walls when in a Chinese garden. Department of Landscape Architecture The Chinese traditional garden and its influence on Western gardens Su Li Degree Project in landscape planning , 30 hp Masterprogramme Urban Landscape Dynamics Självständigt arbete vid LTJ-fakulteten, SLU Alnarp 2012 . A small island was constructed in the middle of the pool, where trees were planted, which had skewers of roasted meat hanging from their branches. Some elements that aren’t actually in the garden are part of the design as well. Renowned scholar gardens which still exist from this period include the Couple's Retreat Garden (1723–1736) and the Retreat & Reflection Garden (1885), both in Suzhou. In 1271, Kublai Khan established the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty in China. His garden had a meandering stream for floating glasses of wine and pavilions for writing poetry. Flowers and trees also contrast with sharp, harsh architectural lines. "A judicious 'borrowing' does not have a reason." A Chinese garden was not meant to be seen all at once; the plan of a classical Chinese garden[26] presented the visitor with a series of perfectly composed and framed glimpses of scenery; a view of a pond, or of a rock, or a grove of bamboo, a blossoming tree, or a view of a distant mountain peak or a pagoda. This brief description later inspired the poem Kubla Khan by the English romantic poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In 1368, forces of the Ming dynasty, led by Zhu Yuanzhang, captured Dadu from the Mongols and overthrew the Yuan dynasty. The Chinese classical garden had a notable influence on the early Japanese garden. Each flower and tree in the garden had its own symbolic meaning. This style is noted for its use of swallowtail roofs (heavily decorated upward-curving roof ridges) and "cut porcelain carving" for decorations. See Michel Baridon. The traditional house design is based around a courtyard. The fruit of the pomegranate tree was offered to young couples so they would have male children and numerous descendants. He described how the Chinese gardens had grottos, artificial hills and rocks piled to imitate nature, and did not arrange their gardens geometrically. De oudste nog bestaande pagode in China is … The garden is built around a pond, with the Longevity Pavilion on the north side, the Fry Pavilion on the east side, a dramatic rock garden on the south, and the creator's study, the Humble House, to the west. Borrowing scenery is a most fundamental idea in Ming period garden making theory (see above). De Chinese architectuur is de Aziatische architectuurstijl die zich door de eeuwen heen heeft ontwikkeld in China.De structurele beginselen van de Chinese architectuur zijn grotendeels onveranderd gebleven, de belangrijkste veranderingen hebben vooral op het vlak van de decoratieve details plaatsgevonden. Another Song dynasty garden still in existence is the Master of the Nets Garden in Suzhou. The types of buildings that are included in a Chinese garden have to do with whose garden it is. [80], Chinese architecture and aesthetics also influenced the English garden. [67], According to the landscape historian and architect Che Bing Chiu, every garden was "a quest for paradise. Ji Cheng wrote: "In the heart of the tumult of the city, you should choose visions that are serene and refined: from a raised clearing, you look to the distant horizon, surrounded by mountains like a screen; in an open pavilion, a gentle and light breeze invades the room; from the front door, the running water of spring flows toward the marsh. They might be revealed through round "moon doors" or through windows of unusual shapes, or windows with elaborate lattices that broke the view into pieces.[52]. The shape of the garden pond often hides the edges of the pond from viewers on the other side, giving the illusion that the pond goes on to infinity. For example, one scene illustrated this poem: The Valley of the Jante garden disappeared, but its memory, preserved in paintings and poems, inspired many other scholar's gardens. It could also be a sound; he recommended locating a pavilion near a temple, so that the chanted prayers could be heard; planting fragrant flowers next to paths and pavilions, so visitors would appreciate their aromas; that bird perches be created to encourage birds to come to sing in the garden, that streams be designed to make pleasant sounds, and that banana trees be planted in courtyards so the rain would patter on their leaves. There are usually goldfish in the pond, with pavilions over the water for viewing them. One section will face north, toward a lotus pond. Hundreds of Japanese scholars were sent to study the Chinese language, political system, and culture. A notable example was the Jante Valley Garden of the poet-painter and civil servant Wang Wei (701–761). Of the flowers in the Chinese garden, the most appreciated were the orchid, peony, and lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). The first rock garden appeared in Chinese garden history in Tu Yuan (literally "Rabbit Garden"), built during the Western Han dynasty (206 BCE – 9 CE). Chinese gardens are constructed to recreate and miniaturize larger natural landscapes. The Pavilion of Flowers is traditionally close to the residential home and is filled with flowers and plants. It is a true terrestrial paradise. The Summer Palace concentrates the beauty and essence of Chinese garden architecture and boasts a large collection of valuable cultural relics. [9], These Chinese classical gardens, or scholar's gardens (wenren yuan), were inspired by, and in turn inspired, classical Chinese poetry and painting. The economic prosperity of the Tang dynasty led to the increasing construction of classical gardens across all of China. [51], Another important garden element was concealment and surprise. During the Tang dynasty, plant cultivation was developed to an advanced level, with many plant species being grown by means of plant introduction, domestication, transplantation, and grafting. [65], For followers of Taoism, enlightenment could be reached by contemplation of the unity of creation, in which order and harmony are inherent to the natural world. His garden had an area of eight mu, or about 1.5 hectares. A short video for information literacy on chinese architecture, Galleries (lang) are narrow covered corridors which connect the buildings, protect the visitors from the rain and sun, and also help divide the garden into different sections. To the north was an artificial lake, with a small island, with a picturesque fisherman's hut. Three major elements of a Chinese garden traditionally include: 1. When the plum trees blossom, it means that spring is on the way. The windows and doors open onto the courtyard (庭 tíng) rather than the exterior. But, as Ji Cheng wrote, it could also be "the immaculate ribbon of a stream, animals, birds, fish, or other natural elements (rain, wind, snow), or something less tangible, such as a moonbeam, a reflection in a lake, morning mist, or the red sky of a sunset." [18], In the city of Wuxi, on the edge of Lake Tai and at the foot of two mountains, there were thirty four gardens recorded by the Song dynasty historian Zhou Mi (1232–1308). Chambers believed that gardens should be full of surprises. "It is born simply of feeling created by the beauty of a scene. Inspired by another version of Chinese classic about the Isles of the Immortals, called Liezi, he created a large artificial lake, the Lake of the Supreme Essence, with three artificial islands in the center representing the three isles of the Immortals. The deeply eroded rocks from Lake Tai used in the classical garden illustrated this principle. [72], The first European to describe a Chinese garden was the Venetian merchant and traveler Marco Polo, who visited the summer palace of Kublai Khan at Xanadu. Since ancient times, the people built wooden buildings, structures built with rammed earth, and buildings and structures built with stone or brick. They create an idealized miniature landscape, which is meant to express the harmony that should exist between man and nature.[1]. Latest projects in China. They illustrated a Chinese proverb, "By detours, access to secrets". These rocks, of limestone sculpted by erosion, became the most highly prized for gardens. [23], Another existing garden from the Ming dynasty is the Lingering Garden, also in Suzhou, built during the reign of the Wanli Emperor (1573–1620). Stories about design and architecture for gardens, including landscaping for public parks, indoor green spaces and private backyards. In China, water symbolizes communication and dreams. Miniature mountains from both rocks and water were opposites, yin and yang, but a! Rocks of lake Tai, the pine was the Lion Grove garden in Suzhou are from! Smaller classical gardens varied greatly in size of those views 57–75 AD ), Tang dynasty 221–206. Create an idealized copy of nature, and spread rapidly Khan established the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty was Jante! Soften or erase the reflections led visitors from one valley to the,. Harsh architectural lines Dadu, the season and the garden will complement the setting instead of dominating it own garden. With more patterns and less words, as if they were really created by.! 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