Article. Question. 4 - Whether virtue by habituation belongs to the same species as infused virtue? Article. Question. 4 - Whether grace is in the essence of the soul as in a subject, or in one of the powers? 4 - Whether despair is contrary to hope? Article. Article. Question. Question. Article. 82 - OF ORIGINAL SIN, AS TO ITS ESSENCE (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. Article. Article. Article. 105 - OF DISOBEDIENCE (TWO ARTICLES). 8 - Whether the will of God imposes necessity on the things willed? 36 - OF THE PERSON OF THE HOLY GHOST (FOUR ARTICLES). 1 - Whether strife is always a sin? Article. Article. Article. Article. Question. Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether peace is the same as concord? Question. Article. Article. 1 - Whether an angel can enlighten man? Article. 84 - HOW THE SOUL WHILE UNITED TO THE BODY UNDERSTANDS CORPOREAL THINGS BENEATH IT (EIGHT ARTICLES). 3 - Whether free-will is an appetitive power? Article. 1 - Whether the Son of God in human nature ought to have assumed defects of body? Article. Article. Online Text Editor Because the Aquinas Institute’s mission is to make the works of Aquinas as widely available as possible, we put all of our bilingual editions online for free. Question. Article. Question. Article. Article. 5 - Whether religious and prelates are in the state of perfection? 8 - Whether Christ was born at a fitting time? Article. 5 - Whether the orders of the angels are properly named? Question. 53 - HOW HABITS ARE CORRUPTED OR DIMINISHED (THREE ARTICLES). 5 - Whether the fourth precept, about honoring one's parents, is fittingly expressed? 4 - Whether the New Law will last till the end of the world? Article. Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether an effect of law is to make men good? 1 - Whether the justification of the ungodly is the remission of sins? Article. 10 - Whether the fulness of grace is proper to Christ? 2 - Whether the intellectual virtues remain after this life? Article. 118 - OF THE PRODUCTION OF MAN FROM MAN AS TO THE SOUL (THREE ARTICLES), Question. 6 - Whether any kind of worship is due to the relics of the saints? 60 - OF JUDGMENT (SIX ARTICLES). 3 - Whether the exemplar cause is anything besides God? 76 - OF THE UNION OF BODY AND SOUL (EIGHT ARTICLES). 8 - Whether anyone is punished for another's sin? Article. 1 - Whether men are guarded by the angels? Article. Article. 1 - Whether it is fitting that Christ should sit at the right hand of God the Father? Article. Question. 3 - Whether a man may make oblations of whatever he lawfully possesses? Article. 4 - Whether it is necessary for one to confess to one's own priest? 4 - Whether grace is the principle of merit through charity rather than the other virtues? Article. 0 (0 Reviews) Free Download. Article. Question. Article. Article. 5 - Whether it is lawful to kill oneself? 2 - Whether 'Gift' is the proper name of the Holy Ghost? Article. Article. Article. 96 - OF THE AUREOLES (THIRTEEN ARTICLES). Article. 7 - Whether religious perfection is diminished by possessing something in common? Article. Article. 6 - Whether the angel guardian ever forsakes a man? 69 - OF SINS COMMITTED AGAINST JUSTICE ON THE PART OF THE DEFENDANT (FOUR ARTICLES). Article. Article. 9 - THE IMMUTABILITY OF GOD (TWO ARTICLES), Question. 84 - OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (TEN ARTICLES). 144 - OF SHAMEFACEDNESS (FOUR ARTICLES). Article. 1 - Whether adoration is an act of latria or religion? 1 - Whether God is a cause of sin? Article. Article. Question. Article. 3 - Whether anger is in the concupiscible faculty? 2 - Whether every passion of the soul is evil morally? Article. 95 - OF THE GIFTS* OF THE BLESSED (FIVE ARTICLES) [*The Latin 'dos' signifies a dowry.]. 3 - Whether love is the same as dilection? 5 - Whether Christ should have demonstrated the truth of His Resurrection by proofs? 3 - Whether hatred is stronger than love? Article. Article. 4 - Whether the angels differ in species? Article. 4 - Whether divination practiced by invoking the demons is unlawful? 65 - OF OTHER INJURIES COMMITTED ON THE PERSON (FOUR ARTICLES). 3 - Whether God is the first object known by the human mind? 47 - Of The Distinctionn of Things In General (Three Articles), Treatise on The Distinction of Good And Evil (Q[48-49]), Question. Article. 36 - OF THE CAUSES OF SORROW OR PAIN (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 102 - OF MAN'S ABODE, WHICH IS PARADISE (FOUR ARTICLES), TREATISE ON THE CONSERVATION AND GOVERNMENT OF CREATURES (QQ[103]-119), Question. Article. 2 - Whether political prudence is fittingly accounted a part of prudence? Article. 9 - OF CHRIST'S KNOWLEDGE IN GENERAL (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. Article. 2 - Whether it should be said that Christ was conceived of [de] the Holy Ghost? 3 - Whether pain or sorrow are assuaged by the sympathy of friends? 4 - Whether to be everywhere belongs to God alone? 1 - Whether to swear is to call God to witness? FP, Q[12]]. 2 - Whether every sign of a holy thing is a sacrament? Article. Article. Article. 39 - OF THE BAPTIZING OF CHRIST (EIGHT ARTICLES). Question. Article. 6 - Did Paul know whether his soul were separated from his body? 3 - Whether the intellectual virtues observe the mean? Article. Article. 3 - OF THE DEGREE OF CONTRITION (THREE ARTICLES). 24 - OF THE SUBJECT OF CHARITY (TWELVE ARTICLES), Question. Article. It is a huge work, approaching two million words in total. File: PDF, 5.72 MB. Article. 5 - Whether magnanimity is a part of fortitude? Question. Article. 4 - Whether it was fitting for Christ to suffer at the hands of the Gentiles? Article. Article. 9 - Whether the mode of virtue falls under the precept of the law? Article. 6 - Whether in loving God we ought to observe any mode? 3 - Whether the world is governed by one? 4 - Whether sobriety is more requisite in persons of greater standing? Article. 3 - Whether despair is the greatest of sins? 2 - Whether it is lawful for a man to refuse absolutely an appointment to the episcopate? 1 - Whether any gratuitous grace attaches to words? Article. 2 - Whether contention is a daughter of vainglory? Article. Article. 2 - Whether choice is to be found in irrational animals? 32 - OF THE CAUSE OF PLEASURE (EIGHT ARTICLES). Question. Article. 5 - Whether man can merit everlasting life without grace? Article. 2 - Whether after the resurrection the saints will see God with the eyes of the body? TREATISE ON THE WORK OF THE SIX DAYS (QQ[65]-74), Question. Article. If you're writing a research paper about a religious or theological topic, you might want to use Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica as a source. 4 - Whether free-will is a power distinct from the will? 1 - Whether in every case the priest is bound to hide the sins which he knows under the seal of confession? 3 - Whether the various mansions are distinguished according to the various degrees of charity? 27 - OF THOSE WHOM INDULGENCES AVAIL (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 2 - Whether pain or sorrow is assuaged by tears? Question. 10 - Whether vows admit of dispensation? 13 - THE NAMES OF GOD (TWELVE ARTICLES). 46 - OF FOLLY WHICH IS OPPOSED TO WISDOM (THREE ARTICLES). Article. Article. Article. 160 - OF MODESTY (TWO ARTICLES). 4 - Whether the Son is equal to the Father in greatness? Article. 21 - THE JUSTICE AND MERCY OF GOD (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. Article. 5 - Whether a man may reveal that which he knows through confession and through some other source besides? 2 - Whether in Christ there are several human operations? 92 - OF SUPERSTITION (TWO ARTICLES). Article. Article. 167 - OF CURIOSITY (TWO ARTICLES), Question. 58 - OF THE MODE OF ANGELIC KNOWLEDGE (SEVEN ARTICLES), Question. 53 - HOW HABITS ARE CORRUPTED OR DIMINISHED (THREE ARTICLES), Question. Article. 3 - Whether a suitable cause can be assigned for the ceremonies which pertained to sacrifices? 6 - Whether it was fitting for the Son of God to assume human nature of the stock of Adam? 1 - Whether the bodies of the damned will rise again with their deformities? 17 - CONCERNING FALSITY (FOUR ARTICLES). Otherwise 'cowardice' would be a better rendering.]. 5 - Whether there are several species of unbelief? Article. Article. Article. 7 - Whether Christ suffered in His whole soul? 1 - Whether an indulgence avails those who are in mortal sin? 6 - Whether charity increases through every act of charity? 1 - Whether prophecy can be natural? Question. Article. Question. 179 - OF THE DIVISION OF LIFE INTO ACTIVE AND CONTEMPLATIVE (TWO ARTICLES), Question. 2 - Whether every error is an impediment to matrimony? 72 - OF THE DISTINCTION OF SINS (NINE ARTICLES), Question. Article. 1 - Whether the resurrection of Christ is the cause of our resurrection? 1 - Whether fortitude is a gift? 7 - Whether the gifts are set down by Isaias in their order of dignity? Part II-II. 40 - OF CHRIST'S MANNER OF LIFE (FOUR ARTICLES). 4 - Whether the resurrection will happen suddenly or by degrees? Article. 5 - Whether a man ought to have contrition for another's sin? 1 - Whether a man may merit anything from God? Article. Article. 3 - Whether God's mercy suffers at least men to be punished eternally? Article. The pages are good thick paper, and the column (Latin- left; English- right) are well spaced. Question. Pages 29-50. 4 - Whether shrewdness is part of prudence? 3 - Whether a habit can be caused by one act? Article. Question. Article. 107 - OF INGRATITUDE (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 7 - Whether the knowledge of God is discursive? Article. 41 - OF THE PERSONS IN REFERENCE TO THE NOTIONAL ACTS (SIX ARTICLES). 2 - Whether the book of life regards only the life of glory of the predestined? Article. Question. An illustration of text ellipses. 1 - Whether command is an act of the reason or of the will? 20 - OF DESPAIR (FOUR ARTICLES). 11 - Whether any merits preceded the union of the Incarnation? Article. Article. 5 - Whether the daughters of lust are fittingly described? 60 - OF WIFE-MURDER (TWO ARTICLES). Article. Article. 12 - Whether the moral precepts of the Old Law justified man? 4 - Whether doubts should be interpreted for the best? 68 - ON THE WORK OF THE SECOND DAY (FOUR ARTICLES). 3 - Whether virginity is a virtue? 81 - OF THE CAUSE OF SIN, ON THE PART OF MAN (FIVE ARTICLES). Article. 2 - OF THE QUALITY OF SOULS WHO EXPIATE ACTUAL SIN OR ITS PUNISHMENT IN PURGATORY (SIX ARTICLES). Article. 1 - Whether anyone sins through certain malice? 6 - Whether one ought to forbear from correcting someone, through fear lest he become worse? 3 - Whether the will is moved by the same act to the end and to the means? 3 - Whether a fruit is due to the virtue of continence alone? Question. Article. Question. Article. Question. Article. 115 - OF FLATTERY (TWO ARTICLES), Question. 4 - Whether the damned blaspheme? Article. Article. 2 - Whether life is an operation? 1 - Whether the body of Christ be in this sacrament in very truth, or merely as in a figure or sign? Article. 4 - Whether God is the final cause of all things? 1 - Whether it is lawful to desire the office of a bishop? Question. Article. 3 - WHAT IS HAPPINESS (EIGHT ARTICLES). Article. Article. 4 - Whether the sacramental species can be corrupted? 1 - Whether there is only one moral virtue? 3 - Whether the powers are distinguished by their acts and objects? Question. Please read our short guide how to send a book to Kindle. 2 - Whether these same souls suffer spiritual affliction on account of the state in which they are? Article. 1 - Whether children born out of true marriage are illegitimate? 2 - Whether there can be a virtue about games? 46 - THE PASSION OF CHRIST (TWELVE ARTICLES), Question. Article. 44 - OF THE EFFECTS OF FEAR (FOUR ARTICLES). 64 - OF THE THINGS ANNEXED TO MARRIAGE, AND FIRST OF THE PAYMENT OF THE MARRIAGE DEBT (TEN ARTICLES). 3 - Whether Christ's Mother remained a virgin after His birth? 18 - OF THE GOOD AND EVIL OF HUMAN ACTS, IN GENERAL (ELEVEN ARTICLES), Question. Article. 8 - Whether hope is a help or a hindrance to action? Article. Article. Question. 6 - Whether it is lawful for a bishop to have property of his own? Question. 1 - Whether formlessness of created matter preceded in time its formation? Article. 96 - OF SUPERSTITION IN OBSERVANCES (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 2 - Whether, after Penance, man rises again to equal virtue? Article. Article. 32 - THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIVINE PERSONS (FOUR ARTICLES). 3 - Whether all merits and demerits, one's own as well as those of others, will be seen by anyone at a single glance? Article. Article. Question. Article. Question. 1 - Whether original sin is a habit? Article. SUMMA THEOLOGICA THIRD PART ["III," "Tertia Pars"] Translated by . 119 - OF THE PROPAGATION OF MAN AS TO THE BODY (TWO ARTICLES). 91 - THE PRODUCTION OF THE FIRST MAN'S BODY (FOUR ARTICLES). Question. Question. 44 - OF THE PRECEPTS OF CHARITY (EIGHT ARTICLES), Question. Article. 1 - Whether it was fitting that the gathering together of the waters should take place, as recorded, on the third day? 2 - Whether a husband is bound to pay the debt if his wife does not ask for it? Article. Article. Article. Question. 1 - Whether it is lawful to curse anyone? 6 - Whether other sins dissolve marriage? 11 - Whether we can lose charity when once we have it? Article. Question. ... Summa Theologiæ (A Searchable Latin text for Android devices) Summa Theologica public domain audiobook at LibriVox; Summa Theologiae (A new English translation in progress, by Alfred Freddoso) Prima pars secunde partis Summe Theologie beati Thome de Aquino. 84 - OF THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (TEN ARTICLES), Question. 43 - OF THE MIRACLES WORKED BY CHRIST, IN GENERAL (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 129 - OF MAGNANIMITY (EIGHT ARTICLES), Question. Article. 0 (0 Reviews) Free Download. 1 - Whether fraternal correction is an act of charity? Article. 3 - Whether the souls of brute animals are subsistent? Article. 31 - OF THE MATTER FROM WHICH THE SAVIOUR'S BODY WAS CONCEIVED (EIGHT ARTICLES), Question. 143 - OF THE PARTS OF TEMPERANCE, IN GENERAL (ONE ARTICLE). Article. Article. 1 - Whether relation is the same as person? Article. Article. Article. Article. Article. Article. Question. Article. Article. 1 - Whether faith is infused into man by God? 4 - Whether vainglory is a capital vice? Article. Article. Article. Article. Article. 4 - Whether Christ was a perfect comprehensor in the first instant of His conception? Article. 2 - Whether magnificence is a special virtue? Question. Article. Article. Article. 130 - OF PRESUMPTION (TWO ARTICLES). 5 - Whether prudence is a virtue necessary to man? Question. 6 - Whether there is a 'morning' and an 'evening' knowledge in the angels? Treatise on Sacred Doctrine (Q[1]) Question. 33 - OF FRATERNAL CORRECTION (EIGHT ARTICLES). 27 - OF THE CAUSE OF LOVE (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. Open Library . Article. You can also read the full text online using our ereader. 1 - Whether to enjoy is an act of the appetitive power? 1 - Whether nativity regards the nature rather than the person? Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. 94 - OF THE RELATIONS OF THE SAINTS TOWARDS THE DAMNED (THREE ARTICLES). 4 - Whether marriage is annulled by the husband committing incest with his wife's sister? 1 - Whether the desire of glory is a sin? 21 - OF CHRIST'S PRAYER (FOUR ARTICLES). Question. 3 - Whether previous satisfaction begins to avail after man is restored to charity? Question. Article. 1 - Whether the evil of fault can be in the angels? 171 - OF PROPHECY (SIX ARTICLES). Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American Edition. 1 - Whether it is befitting that Christ should be predestinated? [*St. Thomas here follows the opinion of Peter Lombard, and replies in the negative. 1 - Whether there is justice in God? Article. Article. Article. 69 - ON THE WORK OF THE THIRD DAY (TWO ARTICLES), Question. Get Access to Full Text. Question. Article. Article. Article. 6 - Whether the glorified body, by reason of its subtlety, will be impalpable? 4 - Whether the Old Law should have been given to the Jews alone? Article. Article. 7 - Whether all men have the same last end? 88 - OF VENIAL AND MORTAL SIN (SIX ARTICLES). Question. Article. Article. Article. Article. The Latin text is the Corpus Thomisticum based on the Leonine edition, with the English translation by Fr. 3 - Whether the angels are more to the image of God than man is? Article. Article. 1 - Whether matrimony is a kind of joining? Article. 7 - Whether whatever God does outside the natural order is miraculous? 64 - OF THE CAUSES OF THE SACRAMENTS (TEN ARTICLES), Question. 1 - Whether blindness of mind is a sin? 1 - Whether Word in God is a personal name? 7 - Whether immersion in water is necessary for Baptism? Article. 15 - OF THE DEFECTS OF SOUL ASSUMED BY CHRIST (TEN ARTICLES), Question. 1 - Whether it was useful for laws to be framed by men? Article. Article. 4 - Whether our of charity, man ought to love himself more than his neighbor? Article. Article. 1 - Whether inseparableness of the wife is of natural law? Article. Question. Article. 1 - Whether our intellect understands corporeal and material things by abstraction from phantasms? 91 - OF THE QUALITY OF THE WORLD AFTER THE JUDGMENT (FIVE ARTICLES), Question. 104 - OF THE JUDICIAL PRECEPTS (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 2 - Whether confession should be entire? Article. Article. 2 - Whether irregularity results from bigamy, when one husband has two wives, one in law, the other in fact? 3 - Whether none but a bishop can confer this sacrament? Article. 15 - OF THE VICES OPPOSED TO KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING (THREE ARTICLES), Question. 4 - Whether it is always a mortal sin to give false evidence? Article. Article. Article. 1 - Whether wisdom should be reckoned among the gifts of the Holy Ghost? 1 - Whether the bodies of the saints will be impassible after the resurrection? Article. Article. 2 - Whether paradise was a place adapted to be the abode of man? Article. Article. Article. Article. 3 - Whether fear is a mortal sin? 6 - Whether affinity is an impediment to marriage? Article. 27 - OF THOSE WHOM INDULGENCES AVAIL (FOUR ARTICLES). 2 - Whether in happiness vision ranks before delight? Article. 2 - Whether there should be different duties or states in the Church? 3 - Whether folly is a daughter of lust? 8 - Whether particular justice has a special matter? 2 - Whether confession is an act of virtue? 5 - Whether a man ought to love his neighbor more than his own body? 54 - OF THE IMPEDIMENT OF CONSANGUINITY (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 6 - Whether the image of God is in man as regards the mind only? 75 - OF THE CAUSES OF SIN, IN GENERAL (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. Article. Article. Article. 3 - Whether our souls are contrite for sins even after this life? 3 - Whether evil is in good as in its subject? Question. 50 - OF THE SUBJECT OF HABITS (SIX ARTICLES), Question. The translation requires one to adhere to these terms on account of the connection with the passion of fear. Question. Article. 4 - Whether Christ should have been baptized in the Jordan? Article. 5 - Whether religion is a theological virtue? 1 - Whether Extreme Unction is a sacrament? Article. Article. Article. 172 - OF THE CAUSE OF PROPHECY (SIX ARTICLES), Question. 3 - Whether Christ acquired His judiciary power by His merits? 83 - OF THE RITE OF THIS SACRAMENT (SIX ARTICLES), Question. 3 - Whether the sin of our first parents was more grievous than other sins? Article. 3 - Whether, by Penance, man is restored to his former dignity? 4 - Whether time was created simultaneously with formless matter? 2 - Whether it was fitting that the disciples should see Him rise again? 174 - OF THE DIVISION OF PROPHECY (SIX ARTICLES), Question. Article. 2 - Whether wisdom is in the intellect as its subject? 1 - Whether the will is moved by a passion of the senstive appetite? 169 - OF MODESTY IN THE OUTWARD APPAREL (TWO ARTICLES). Article. 5 - Whether this sacrament has any matter? Article. Article. 7 - Whether those who are deformed in those parts should be anointed? 5 - Whether one is bound to confess at once? Article. Article. 1 - Whether the first man saw God through His Essence? Question. 36 - OF THE MANIFESTATION OF THE NEWLY BORN CHRIST (EIGHT ARTICLES). Question. 2 - Whether studiousness is a part of temperance? Article. Article. 44 - OF (CHRIST'S) MIRACLES CONSIDERED SPECIFICALLY (FOUR ARTICLES). Save for later . Article. 142 - OF THE VICES OPPOSED TO TEMPERANCE (FOUR ARTICLES). 1 - Whether prophecy is fittingly divided into the prophecy of divine predestination, of foreknowledge, and of denunciation? Article. 1 - Whether an oath added to the consent that is expressed in words of the future tense makes a marriage? 2 - Whether the Blessed Virgin was sanctified before animation? Question. 97 - OF THE PRESERVATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL IN THE PRIMITIVE STATE (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. Article. 1 - Whether life is fittingly divided into active and contemplative? 4 - Whether among the powers of the soul there is order? 72 - Of Reviling (Four Articles), Question. Question. 5 - Whether a wicked priest can consecrate the Eucharist? Article. 1 - Whether there are to be distinguished five genera of powers in the soul? 1 - Whether to decline from evil and to do good are parts of justice? Article. Article. Article. Article. 113 - OF THE EFFECTS OF GRACE (TEN ARTICLES). 79 - OF THE CONDITIONS OF THOSE WHO RISE AGAIN, AND FIRST OF THEIR IDENTITY (THREE ARTICLES), Question. 1 - Whether there is only one religious order? 7 - Whether sanctifying grace is bestowed in this sacrament? Article. Article. 1 - Whether those miracles were fitting which Christ worked in spiritual substances? 14 - OF BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST (FOUR ARTICLES), Question. 2 - Whether anything but God can be essentially infinite? 152 - OF VIRGINITY (FIVE ARTICLES). Article. Question. 92 - OF THE VISION OF THE DIVINE ESSENCE IN REFERENCE TO THE BLESSED (THREE ARTICLES), Question. Article. Article. Article. 2 - Whether discord is a daughter of vainglory? 1 - Whether grace is bestowed through this sacrament? 3 - Whether it is necessary for salvation to believe anything above the natural reason? 8 - Whether God enters into the composition of other things? Whether 'EPIKEIA ' is the greatest OF the RESURRECTION will take place at?! Effected in us by infusion TONGUES is more grievous than other sins Scripture a Word, and OF! Persons ( FIVE ARTICLES ), Question pains OF this sacrament ( SIX ARTICLES ), Question is omitted the! Part OF the bread and wine ] existing in God same act to the rational to... 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