Some will move along the length of a wall or piece of furniture until they reach a corner and become “stuck” with their head pressed against it. What are the illness/diseases that can cause this behavior? According to the PetMD website, head pressing is defined as “the compulsive act of pressing the head against a wall or other object for no apparent reason.” Pressing the head against a solid, stationary object like a wall is not the only indication of possible neurological or metabolic distress. If pet parents from around the globe got together to document all the cute, funny, strange, weird, and questionable things their pets do, the result would be the world’s largest collection of bizarre pet stories. “My dog keeps rubbing his head against my head. All … It's always reminded me of what she must have done when she was a nursing pup. My aging dog is hitting his head...HARD, on the floor when he's laying down. Recognizing head pressing in dogs: Head pressing is a compulsive behavior. Cases of head pressing are always serious and require Veterinary attention; head pressing may be caused by infection, trauma, liver disease, poisoning, metabolic diseases, parasites, blood glucose imbalance among other causes. Why Do Cats Press Their Head Against the Wall? When an animal does this, it’s generally an indication of a neurological condition, damage to the nervous system, or a metabolic disorder. However, with the power of social media at our fingertips, we can instantly share photos and write updates on the latest adorable thing Sparky did. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How Much Do You Really Know About Dog Tumors? I laughed and said that my dogs do the same, but I’ve never given it much thought. Dogs have scent glands in their facial area, and marking their guardian by rubbing their head against you might be a display of ownership and … Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. My lil mate Leapy is a 12 year old Chihuahua who is built like a nugget puts his chin on my foot & I never new why. Also, at least in dogs, head pressing affects all breeds and age ranges. Head Pressing is not something you will want to ignore. Posted on December 14, ... As he entered the room he deliberately turned his head away from me before lying down in his bed in the corner with his face to the wall and his back to me. But Head Pressing can actually be a sign or something rather serious. Rob Zombie Talks About His Vegan Diet: We’re Brainwashed that Cows are Happy, Everything You Need to Know About Black Salt and Why It’s a Must-Have in the Kitchen, Petition: Demand Ted Cruz Resign for Abandoning Texas During Winter Storms, In Controversial and Historic Move, Spain Bans Hunting of Wolves, Texas Weather Causes Death and Displacement of Animals, California Senators Introduce Bill to Ban Fracking by 2027, Thousands of Sea Turtles Cold Stunned in Texas, James Marsden Pays Tribute to His Dog: We Will Meet Again, 5 Daily Habits That Negatively Impact Wildlife – and What You Can Do Instead. I love him so much & it means so much that he loves me back & showing me in this way. Regardless of the reasoning behind your dog’s Head Pressing, you’ll want to see a vet as soon as possible. Probably not what's going on with your dog, though, since she does it all the time - so it's likely the security thing mentioned above. They may also experience seizures or have difficulty seeing. She is also a former veterinarian assistant, and author of the popular online dog training course "Brain Training for Dogs. Head pressing is a veterinary condition characterized by pressing the head against a wall or pushing the face into a corner for no apparent reason. This condition is seen in dogs, cats, cows, horses, and goats. ... My dog keeps rubbing his face against the carpet, Possible causes may be Find a dog crate the fits your dog’s size and temperament to ensure he gets a good night’s sleep. You may also find that they are walking in circles or pacing aimlessly. Often times, it looks as if the animal has put themselves into “time out.” As adorable as it may be, it is often a sign that there is a serious medical condition that needs to be addressed. Please support us! A serious medical condition called head pressing causes a dog to press the top of his or her head against a wall, into the floor or other large solid objects for no apparent reason — the act of head pressing will go on for extended periods of time and has been observed in cats and dogs as well as cows, horses, goats, and sheep. It’s called “head pressing” and could indicate a dangerous neurological condition in your dog or cat. De25 Oct 2017Reply. How Habitat Loss is Causing Human Wildlife Conflict Around the World, 10 Reasons Why Whales and Dolphins Do NOT Belong in Tanks, The Myth of Domestication: Why Exotic Animals Can Never Really be ‘Pets’, 10 Common Cosmetic Ingredients That Are Derived From Animal Products, Petition: Find People Who Tied Dog to Car and Dragged Him Around, AOC Goes Veg For Lent! Brain tumors can put pressure on the brain and be painful or uncomfortable. The constant pressing of the head against hard surfaces can cause additional problems for your dog if the underlying cause is not treated. Heartbroken Dog Who Refused to Eat for 10 Days After Losing Her Guardian Says One Last Goodbye, indication of possible neurological or metabolic distress,, Signs of liver disease — jaundice, increased urination, weight loss, lethargy. Get your animal to a vet as soon as you can to run additional tests and check for the underlying cause to be treated. She pushes her head into my stomach when I lay on my side. If your dog’s crate is too small, that may keep him from being able to get into his favorite dog sleep position. The term “head pressing” is actually pretty descriptive—the affected pet stands close to a wall or other hard surface (furniture, the corner, etc) and literally presses the top of her head against it. Sigh of relief for the dog owner…. The dog will push his or her head against an object for an extended period of time, or over and over again. Everything You Need to Know Is Right Here! Are We Eating the World’s Whales and Dolphins Into Extinction? Restful dog sleep position Dogs that sleep on their sides are comfortable in their surroundings. Head pressing most always signifies a very serious illness or injury and you must take action immediately, the sooner the better, by getting your pet to the veterinarian. Learn how your comment data is processed. “If you see a dog in a lion pose—with his paws stretched forward and head resting on his paws like the statues of reclining lions in front of some government buildings—the dog is apt to be simply dozing and not in a deep sleep state,” he says. Head Pressing differs in that they continuously stare at walls or other hard surfaces without moving. I mean, rattle the floor hard. Check out what I learned in my research! Have you ever seen a dog or cat press their head against the wall? It would be best to have Bimbi examined by his Veterinarian for a neurological examination and possibly some blood tests. Get your favorite articles delivered right to your inbox! An eye infection, for instance, may cause your dog to rub his head on walls in an attempt to clean out his eyes. Some dogs simply develop a facial rubbing habit because it feels satisfying, much like a human may rub his eyes or scratch his head. I have a 1 year old border collie mix. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet. If a dog or cat ever pushes its head against a flat wall or some other big object, it's a symptom of a larger issue. It is just as important to recognize this behavior as a serious call for help as well. You can not imagine simply how so much time I had spent forthis info! A stroke is a bleed in the brain, and it can cause anything from minor trauma to major … It kind of looks adorable, but it isn’t something that should be taken lightly. She then likes to be the little spoon . And your dog or cat gently rubbing his or her head and face on you is probably not a concerning sign — it’s simply them wanting your affection. Head Pressing is characterized by a dog or other animal pressing the top of their head against a wall or in a corner without moving. What Every Pet Owner Wants to Know – Do Dogs Dream? A dog may sometimes bump his head on a coffee table producing quite an alarming sound that may concern the dog owner, but then the dog shakes his head once or twice and is back to normal romping around as if nothing ever happened. Some dogs do it as a way of leaving their scent on an object, marking their territory by rubbing their unique natural oils on something. Head Pressing is characterized by a dog or other animal pressing the top of their head against a wall or in a corner without moving. She doesn't really like to stand in the middle of the room, she will stand next to a wall or a piece of furniture, and lean on it... just like a person standing in a doorway, leaning their shoulder against the frame. - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian. If your dog is facing a wall and pressing its head on it, you need to call a vet and tell them what your dog is doing. Thank you! If a dog is staring at the wall in a corner, its a … Yes, that is right.... she leans. It's also something animals do when they are in pain. There are a number of reasons for why a dog might feel a compulsion to press its head against objects, depending on the primary cause that is leading to this symptom. Head Pressing is different than playful head butting that is common in dogs and other pets, in which your animal rubs their head on legs, other animals, or furniture. What to Do If Your Dog Is Staring at a Wall. If you have a small dog that rubs his head on the carpet, won't eat hard food, has bad breath then have his teeth checked. “phewww.” At one … About the author: Adrienne Farricelli is a certified dog trainer and behavior consultant. But what if you saw a pet picture posted by a friend showing their dog pressing his head up against a wall with a caption saying something like, “What a goober! All our pets have bizarre habits, but if you notice your little friend pressing its head against walls or other hard objects, it could indicate serious mental distress. Head pressing is the act of a cat pressing their head against a wall or other hard object. According to PetMD, the head pressing is usually a telltale characteristic of a neurological condition. They may experience pain in the face or damage to the facial bones. you can reach Dr climent HERBAL Center via email : [email protected] +2347036879479 +2347036879479 [email protected] +2347036879479 +2347036879479, My brother recommended I might like this blog. If your dog is staring at the wall, the first thing to … "Her work has appeared in several print and online publications including E-how, USA Today, Every Dog Magazine, Daily Puppy and Connecticut Dog … My adopted havanese had a severe tooth infection causing him to lose 32 of his 42 teeth. Head pressing is one of the biggest red flags that something is wrong. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Dogs with brain tumors are often seen head pressing against the wall or rubbing their heads because of this discomfort. There are a number of causes that could lead to Head Pressing in dogs, but most commonly it is a sign that there has been nervous system damage. Why does a dog push its head against the wall? My dog does this to. If your dog is staring at the wall there are a number of possible reasons why, ranging from dog dementia to dog depression. 23 Heavenly Corgi’s That Prove That Angels Exist on Earth. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In most cases, your dog will show other symptoms associated with the underlying condition causing the Head Pressing behavior. We’ve Got the Most Amazing Healthy Plant-Based Recipes for Her, The Top Things to Look for When Choosing a Vitamin B12 Supplement, Healthy, Fiber-Rich Foods to Add to Your Smoothie to Stay Fuller Longer, 15 Healthy Plant-Based Recipes to Prevent Dry Skin and Eczema, Acid to Alkaline: Naturally Acidic Plant-Based Foods That Alkalize the Body, 5 Things You Should Know About the Link Between Dairy and Acne, All About Amla Berry and How it Benefits Your Immune System. This is a life-threatening medical emergency that will not wait for anyone. My dog leans against the wall whenever he really wants to go out... not sure why, but it does get my attention! ‘Out of sight, out of mind’ – as as much ‘out of mind’ as he could manage anway! Often times, it looks as if the animal has put themselves into “time out.” As adorable as it may be, it is often a sign that there is a serious medical condition that needs to be addressed. But a dog head pressing is an even more serious matter. In some cases, a dog might press their head into the ground rather than a wall or corner. She does like to keep her nose covered/ snuggled/ pet until she falls asleep. From Lentil Bolognese with Spaghetti to Easy Sopes: Our Top Eight Vegan Recipes of the Day! Known as one of the most worrying behaviours that an animal can perform, head pressing in cats can be a serious cause for concern for any pet owner. Do you know what it means?” A friend of mine asked while we were walking in the dog park. Additionally, they may have a difficult time performing trained tasks they had previously learned. In order to get your four-legged friend the assistance they need, it is important you fully understand Head Pressing, what it looks like, and what it could mean. It almost always signifies significant illness. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Even where an infestation is not obvious, there are certain rare medical and psychological conditions that cause dogs to rub against walls. Not many pet owners understand the dangers that could lie in Head Pressing. What Should You Do With The Waste From Your Morning Coffee? It’s important to note that head pressing should not be confused with playful head-butting, using the head to push others, or play ramming. Shout it louder, Or go out and reach others who have not heard of it .it is real Dr climent HERBAL Center is really doing a great works within and outside just try it and you will testify just as i am testifying now, i have this infection that lead to womb blockage and there was no hope at all the hospital i went said nothing but that there on hope for 4 years that i have waited no child then i came across Dr climent HERBAL Center now and he is a wonderful native herbalist who told me he can do it but i was scared because i have not take anything drugs natural before but since i had no child i have to comply with the rules and regulation and now am carrying my child just try it and see your time to celebrate has come . Stroke. He's nearing the end of his days at 14 1/2, German Sheppard/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix with history of Cerebral Vascular Disorder (2 episodes one month apart about a year ago...knocked him out of commision for a couple of weeks and he hasn't really been the same dog … My almost 2 year old lab always seems to sit with his back (lower back and ) against a wall or the couch. However, her question intrigued me, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Recognizing head pressing is key to getting a pet or animal to the emergency vet before things get worse, and since head pressing is a possible sign of something potentially life-threatening, you could be saving your or someone else’s pet’s life. (VIDEO), Balloon Releases Are Killing Wildlife and Marine Animals – Here’s What You Can Do Instead, Why Factory Farming Is a Broken System Where Extreme Animal Cruelty and Abuse Is the Norm, 5 Ways to Naturally Protect Wood From Water Damage, Yaki Onigiri: Japanese Rice Balls With Sweet Potato and Avocado Filling [Vegan]. Why Does a Dog Turn his Back on You – What Can it Mean? He’s been doing this for ten minutes now!” Your first thought might be that the dog did something bad or is bored, but what if you knew something could be really wrong with the dog? Super Pups: A Look At Earthquake Rescue Dogs, 21 Fun Tips to Help Teach Kids to Respect Animals Today. Do Dogs Sweat? If your veterinarian is not available, go to another one. Be aware of the following either in addition to head pressing or separate from, if completely out of the ordinary for a pet: A vet will likely have to do an examination and a series of tests to figure out the problem, and many of the conditions leading to head pressing are often treatable, pets can indeed make a full recovery, but wait too long and there’s the possibility of death. More.., When Rescuers Arrived to Help This Homeless German Shepherd, She Cried Out Just Like a Human! Brain tumors are thankfully not as common of a reason for a dog to rub its face on something but it is still a possibility. It takes me a couple tries to get her to stop and lay down. My Dog Is Staring At The Wall Or Head Pressing. In fact, many dog owners may see the behavior and assume the animal is just administering inexplicable, silly behavior. He was once entirely right.This put up truly made my day. Even if your pet is not showing other symptoms of other diseases, Head Pressing should not be ignored. 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