FAO (2013, quoting Vicente-Chandler et al., 1953) discussed the value of S. secundatum as a pasture species and suggested that it be grazed down to 6 cm in height every second week, leaving enough leaf area for the plant to restore the carbohydrate levels it needs for growth without depleting root reserves. [ed. Vanuatu. > 0°C, wet all year. Common Name: Natal buffalo grass Plant Type: Grass Panicum natalense is a relatively small grass and that makes it the ideal choice for a grassland garden; the blue-green leaves makes it very attractive. Axonopus compressus. Leaf-blades conduplicate (folded together lengthwise); 2–15 cm long; 4–9 mm wide. Common names: Guinea grass (Eng. xlii + 23 + 650 pp. adventitious roots) at their joints (i.e. In many countries, S. secundatum has been introduced as a useful salt-tolerant lawn grass, but it has since spread as stolon material in garden waste or by natural spread to many coastal waste places, sand dunes and along roadsides. Rottboellia stolonifera Poir. In Australia, buffalo grass is the common name of Stenotaphrum secundatum. Dense forest to open plains. Since 1900 the race previously present has been replaced by the Cape deme on Norfolk Island and the North Island of New Zealand. Broadleaf carpet grass. Panicum conjugatum (P.J.Bergius) Roxb. Botanical name: Stenotaphrum secondatum. Humans, lions, leopards, hyenas, African wild dogs. CABI Data Mining, 2001. ACIAR. Buffalo grass, T-grass, carabao grass, sour grass, sour paspalum, cow grass [English]; herbe sure, herbe créole [French]; capim azedo, capim de marreca, capim gordo, capim tê, grama azeda, grama comum [Portuguese]; cañamazo amargo, cambute, pasto amargo [Spanish]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society of Animal Production,: 43-52, Pineda, N. ; Perez, E. ; Vasquez, F., 2009. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk. Originating in the United States on the prairies of the Western Plains, it was given the name “Buffalo Grass” because it grew under the feet of millions of American bison, often referred to as buffalo. buffalo grass; Other Scientific Names. Spikelets oblong; dorsally compressed; 5 mm long; falling entire; deciduous with accessory branch structures. Microsporogenesis and chromosome numbers in St. Augustine grass. Lemma of lower sterile floret ovate; 1 length of spikelet; coriaceous; 7–9 -veined; without grooves; acute. S. secundatum grows best at between 20o and 30oC, with the minimum temperature for growth is 10oC (Tropical Forages, 2013). III, N-Pe. When established swards of S. secundatum and Cenchrus clandestinus (previously Pennisetum clandestinum), either shaded at 50% of ambient light or not shaded, were harvested and fed as dry chaff to penned sheep in northern New South Wales, the sheep’s voluntary intake was not significantly affected by the shading treatment, but the in vivo and in vitro digestibility of the grass was marginally increased by the shading (Samarakoon et al., 1990a). Sauer (1972) suggested that the inflorescences of almost all the species of Stenotaphrum show adaptations for dispersal of the seeds by ocean currents. The establishment rate from stolons is not fast except in very warm climates (Aldous and Chivers, 2002). Invasive plant species of the world: A reference guide to environmental weeds. As long as there have been records, S. secundatum has ranged widely as a coastal pioneer along the Atlantic coasts of Africa and the Americas (Sauer, 1972). Broadleaf carpet grass. Grazed Guinea grass/buffalo grass pastures led to higher coconut yields and were considered to be very suitable for goats (Coulon et al., 1983). Paspalum longissimum Hochst. In further experiments, Samarakoon et al. Flora of China. A., 1974. Leaf-blade apex obtuse. Stems can climb 1-2 m tall and smother small shrubs. It likewise is well adapted as a protective turf on newly-developed air-fields, cantonments, ordinance plants, and other units in the region where the control of dust and erosion is essential. Scientific name. The PLANTS Database. ; however, S. secundatum is a very coarse grass, blue-green in colour, with characteristic broad, flattened seed heads with the spikelets embedded in the main axis. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). It should be grazed young as palatability declines rapidly after flowering (Chavancy, 1951). Sydney, Australia: Royal Botanic Gardens. by Knox, G. https://npgsweb.ars-grin.gov/gringlobal/taxon/taxonomysearch.aspx, USDA-NRCS, 2013. June 2012. Common name: Buffalo. Stenotaphrum secundatum (buffalograss); Ligule and collar zone. The plant forms a dense turf and thick sod, which early settlers used in the construction of dwellings. Syncerus caffer. Paspalum conjugatum is considered of low nutritive value in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region (Stür et al., 1990). http://www.europe-aliens.org/. It is a type of weed with triangular stems and tubers that resemble nuts, hence the name. http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/weeds/, Biodiversity India, 2013. Previous scientific name(s): Bouteloua dactyloides, Bulbilis dactyloides, Sesleria dactyloides . Buffalo Grass : Scientific Plant Name: Buchloe dactyloides: Other Common Names: Other Scientific Names: Bouteloua dactyloides: Common Family Name: Grass: Scientific Family Name: Poaceae: Origin. ex Steud. It was also found in Hawaii before 1800. Buffalograss. Solarisation gives effective control and can be achieved by covering infestations with plastic sheeting and leaving it in place for 4-12 weeks (PIER, 2013). Growth habit: Warm season grass. Lower glume apex obtuse. These include: "Sydney soft leaf buffalo", "Sydney Common", "Common buffalograss". S. secundatum is susceptible to many common broadleaf herbicides (Aldous and Chivers, 2002). Weeds of Australia, Biosecurity Queensland Edition. Paspalum conjugatum may invade forest clearings and may impede forest regeneration (Burkill, 1985). Each spikelet is about 2 mm broad (as opposed to the usual 1.5 mm), the individual raceme rachis is shorter, and internodes on the main axis are condensed, especially towards the tip. Seeds and stem segments are dispersed in dumped garden waste, and … Lower glume ovate; 0.1–0.3 length of upper glume; 0.1–0.3 length of spikelet; membranous; pallid; without keels. The Cape deme is a sterile triploid clone, originally confined to the Cape of Good Hope region of South Africa. Mito T, Uesugi T, 2004. Leaf-sheaths keeled. eFloras, 2013. Rep. Buffalograss is now the main grass marketed (into shaded areas) across Australia. by Edgar, E.\Connor, H. E.]. Spikelets are solitary with long white hairs on the … Rottboellia tripsacoides Lam. When several references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the status. Growth, morphology and nutritive quality of shaded Stenotaphrum secundatum, Axonopus compressus and Pennisetum clandestinum. Prescott and Potter (2001) found that air-borne pollen of S. secundatum was an important allergen in Cape Province of South Africa. However, it is also a major weed of rice fields in South and Southeast Asia (Ecoport, 2010). Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used. Its usefulness is limited by its low protein content (6-15% DM) and unpalatability for cattle, though both aspects might be improved by light applications of nitrogen fertilizer (Beetle, 1974). It is used as a smudge, in herbal medicine and in the production of distilled beverages. This variety of grass is different from the species commonly known as … Cart 0 × You have no items in your shopping cart. Growth Habit/Form : Grass: Grasses are herbaceous plants with … Prescott RA; Potter PC, 2001. Range Manage., 27 (5): 347-349, Chavancy, A., 1951. Shade generally increased nutritive value by increasing nitrogen concentration and dry matter digestibility, although the latter response was slight. Buffalo – Syncerus Caffer . Atlas Turf offer a huge delivery area to our customers throughout Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Newcastle and Illawarra NSW. The leaf sheath and leaves are hairy on the margins. Rhachis flattened; terminating in a barren extension; extension subulate. americanum (Schrank) Döll, Stenotaphrum glabrum var. Predators. Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) reproduces by seed and also vegetatively via its creeping stems. A dictionary of India raw materials and industrial products. - Buffalo Grass Guides - Perennial Ryegrass Seed Guides - Bermuda Seed Guides - Zoysia Guides; Blog . Availability: In stock. Click on an acronym to view each weed list, or click here for a composite list of Weeds of the U.S. Qty: Add to Cart. A morphologically distinct subgroup of S. secundatum (a sterile triploid clone, termed a ‘deme’ by Sauer), originally confined to the Cape of Good Hope region of South Africa, has become particularly widespread, transported by humans primarily as a lawn grass. Global population of. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Florets: basal sterile florets male; with palea. CAB Abstracts Data Mining., CABI, Undated. Culms are red-purple, ascending to erect and 30-60 cm high. Introduction . Pauwels L, 2013. http://avh.chah.org.au/. Buffalograss (one word) is the common name of Panicum maximum (cf. Kuntze; Preferred Common Name. The wealth of India. secundatum (Walter) Kuntze, Benefits from human association (i.e. Upper glume apex acute. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. Spikelets sunken (in axis); solitary. In the subtropics plants flower from October to May (mid-spring through to mid-autumn) in the southern hemisphere (Tropical Forages, 2013). These include: "Sydney soft leaf buffalo", "Sydney Common", "Common buffalograss". Biological control of S. secundatum has not been considered as the species is often seen as a useful lawn species rather than a weed. Paspalum renggeri Steud. Originally native to the Cape of Good Hope region of South Africa, the Cape deme (morphological subgroup) has been very widely distributed and naturalised in many of the warmer parts of the world as a lawn grass and a fodder species. Upper glume ovate; membranous; without keels; 7–9 -veined. The Cape deme of S. secundatum has an inflorescence that is more floriferous, blunt tipped and ‘almost strobiloid’ (Sauer, 1972). It is drought-resistant, remaining green long into the dry season (Burkill, 1985). In its native environment, S. secundatum is found in moist swampy soils, mostly near the coast. Compared to other grass types such as Kikuyu or Couch, and other Buffalo grasses, Sir Walter is bulletproof. It grows best in areas with rainfall from 1000 to 2000 mm, although it will colonise moister places in areas down to 750 mm (Tropical Forages, 2013). http://indiabiodiversity.org/, Brundu G; Camarda I, 2013. Flora of New Zealand - Vol. Weed control by sheep grazing under plantation tree crop. Other names (PBR name, trademark, breeder code) Common buffalograss has been used to identfy a range of "common" or older varieties or genotypes of buffalograss. DAISIE (online). According to FAO (2013), S. secundatum can be made into useful silage. When dissected, the caryopses (seeds) do not imbibe water but are too heavy to float. Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile, Grassland and Pasture Crops Group of the FAO, Rome, Pillai, K. R. ; Thiagarajan, S. ; Samuel, C, 1985. It is regarded as the most valuable fodder plant and is extensively used to make hay. Paspalum conjugatum (buffalo grass); seedhead., section. Sundancer Buffalograss is the most advanced turf type of Buffalograss available in the industry today. Description. Revision of Stenotaphrum (Gramineae: Paniceae) with attention to its historical geography. Other names (PBR name, trademark, breeder code) Buffalo grass (Northern Australia), broadleaf carpet grass, cow grass (Singapore, South-East Asia), tropical carpet grass, carpetgrass. Australia’s Virtual Herbarium. Stenotaphrum secundatum: a valuable forage species for shaded environments. Its moderate nutritive value can be enhanced by combining the species with legumes such as Leucaena leucocephala, Arachis pintoi cv. Guinea grass). FAO, Rome, Italy, Lim Han Kuo, 1967. Invasive alien species in Japan: the status quo and the new regulation for prevention of their adverse effects. Click on a scientific name to access the mapped search results that are currently available for that name in BISON. eFloras., St. Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden and Harvard University Herbaria . Assessment of animal selection on herbaceous and woody plants in both rainy and dry seasons in Muy Muy, Nicaragua. FIND OUT . Description. Trailing stems at the edge of infestations (along footpaths or roadsides, for example) can be pulled out (PIER, 2013). Lemma apex acute. Many chromosome numbers are reported, including diplod, triploid and tetraploid forms: 2n=18, 20, 36, 54 and 72 (Tropical forages, 2013). A common grass of the Great Plains, its natural habitat in Minnesota is limited to a few rock outcrops in our southwest counties, but it is widely available as an alternative to turf grass so has been planted in many other areas around the state. It owes its distinctive sweet scent to the presence of coumarin. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Weeds of Australia, 2013. It is considered an environmental weed in the Australian states of Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and south-eastern Queensland, although it is not considered noxious by any state legislation (Weeds of Australia, 2013). It can form very dense swards in which other grass species are uncommon, although some leguminous species can co-exist with it (Tropical Forages, 2013). Buffalo grass is generally used as fresh grass in pastures and cut-and-carry systems, or for hay (FAO, 2010). www.europe-aliens.org. There is very little information on the negative impacts of S. secundatum. This management regime prevents seed head maturity, the subsequent lowering of nutritive value and promotes faster regrowth of higher quality and palatability (FAO, 2010). Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). by Alldous, D. E.\Chivers, I. H.]. The plant is a perennial native to the Great Plains from Montana to New Mexico. S. secundatum is frost tolerant and withstands salt spray. Archives des Recherches Agronomiques au Cambodge, au Laos et au Vietnam, No. Additional Contacts. Sauer JD, 1972. In Australia, S. secundatum is a weed of closed forests, forest margins, open woodlands, coastal environments, pastures, grassland, gardens, roadsides, river banks, swamps, disturbed sites and waste areas in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical regions (Weeds of Australia, 2013). Consolidated list of environmental weeds in New Zealand. South African Medical Journal, 91(3):237-43. Brittonia, 24:202-222. Stenotaphrum secundatum. Vincente-Chandler J; Caro-Costas R; Figarella J, 1953. Asian Buffalo, or by their scientific name Bubalus bubalis. Agronomy Journal, 45:397-400. In: Global Environmental Research, 8 (2) 171-191. Part 3. In Australia S. secundatum was first found near Sydney and somewhere in the northwest by the mid-19th century. Common name. Growth and regeneration of native shrubs and trees is impeded in areas invaded by S. secundatum. Raw materials. Common name. How do you choose between the shade-tolerant buffalo grass brands?There’s plenty of conflicting information around, and it can be hard to know what’s important and accurate. Paspalum conjugatum is a natural pasture in coconut plantations where it yields 19 t/ha fresh matter with no fertilizer and up to 30 t/ha with NPK fertilizer (at 310 kg/ha) (FAO, 2010). Buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) is regarded as an environmental weed in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia and south-eastern Queensland. Stenotaphrum secundatum (buffalograss); young shoots and emerging leaves. Reports on the seed production of S. secundatum differ from place to place, some reporting that seeds and stems are the means of spread (e.g. Reed, p. 279. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. http://www.hear.org/pier/index.html, Sauer J D, 1972. It contains a haemostatic glucoside (paspaloside) that reduces the time for blood clotting by 50% (FAO, 2010). Such flotation could account for local dispersal but not for transoceanic dispersal, unless such seed-bearing fragments become attached to floating debris (of artificial or natural materials), and thus carried further afield. It reduces pasture productivity and causes significant degradation of natural areas. Agroforestería en las Américas, 47: 46-50, Stür, W. W. ; Shelton, H. M., 1990. Review of Forage Resources in Plantation Crops of Southeast Asia and the Pacific. In: The Natural History of Canterbury [ed. Garcia-Rivera J; Morris MP, 1955. Pâturages et alimentation des ruminants en zone tropicale humide, 1989, 127-135, Beetle, A. The top yield of S. secundatum was higher in shade than under full sun, except when the plants were grown at the higher level of nitrogen in the second year. Paspalum conjugatum probably originated from the American tropics and is naturalized in almost every tropical and subtropical regions (FAO, 2010). Grassland Index. Greensboro, North Carolina, USA: National Plant Data Team. Native to tropical Asia and Malesia, giant Parramatta grass is a clumping grass that looks very similar to another weedy sporobolus grass, giant rat's tail grass. Region: Sun/Shade: Native: Introduced. The progeny of diploid seedlings showed wide phenotypic variation whereas tetraploids approached 100% sterility and triploids were highly sterile. Ligule a fringe of hairs. Long JA; Bashaw EC, 1961. Buffalo Grass is one of the few dioecious grasses, though occasionally a plant will have both male and female flowers. It is commonly found in hot humid areas (river banks, roadsides and disturbed areas) and in open moderately shaded areas (coconut, rubber and oil palm plantations). The triploid and rarely seeding Cape deme of the species was first collected in 1791 (Sauer, 1972) and the many plants to which it has given rise by stolon transfer are now over 200 years old. Buffalo grass: Stenotaphrum secundatum. http://www.tropicalforages.info/index.htm, USDA-ARS, 2013. Palatability is higher for buffaloes than for cattle (FAO, 2010). Aldous DE; Chivers IH, 2002. Amarillo, Aeschynomene americana cv. More information about modern web browsers can be found at http://browsehappy.com/. Sundancer Buffalograss is the most advanced turf type of Buffalograss available in the industry today. DOC Research and Development Series, No.292:42 pp. Size and Diet Bison stand some 5 to 6.5 feet tall at the shoulder, and can tip the scales at over a ton. Culms are red-purple, ascending to erect and 30-60 cm high. Broad leaf carpet grass forms a coarse-textured, fairly dense low-growing turf with a distinctive dark green colour. Sauer suggested that the modifications of the inflorescence allowed for short-distance dispersal of the seed by ocean currents. It can invade roadsides, gardens and lawns, grassland, river banks, swamps, coastal areas and disturbed sites, and is considered an environmental weed in Australia and New Zealand (Sauer, 1972; Howell, 2008). As the plant matures, nitrogen concentration falls from 2.7% to 1.0%, crude protein digestibility falls from 53% to 31% and dry matter digestibility from 60% to 50% (Tropical Forages, 2013). The Cape deme (morphological subgroup) of S. secundatum has been a particularly successful invasive (Sauer, 1972). Paspalum ciliatum Lamk. Price From: $0.99. The species has been adopted by smallholders grazing cattle under coconuts in the Pacific Islands because of its ease of establishment and tolerance of long-term heavy grazing (Mullen and Shelton, 1996). Common Name: Buffalo Grass Scientific Name: Bouteloua dactyloides Family: Poaceae Height: 3-12 Inches Inflorescence appearance: Spike Flowering Period: April- December Blade description: altenating Ligules: One additional interesting fact of your choice: low-maitenace B. ; Chazal, M. P. ; Calvez, C., 1983. It is sometimes planted as an ornamental or lawn grass, though its long winter dormancy … It is highly resistant to drought, weeds, excess sun or shade and is also visually striking. Samarakoona SP; Shelton HM; Wilson JR, 1990. http://www.itis.gov/. Sauer (1972) documented the history of the spread of the species from its initial distribution on both sides of the tropical and sub-tropical Atlantic to many parts of the world. Crop Science, 1:41-43. The contents of major minerals, sulphur and trace elements in Pangola grass and savannas in Guadeloupe (F.W.I.). Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, 2013. J. Stenotaphrum dimidiatum var. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 858 pp. Vol. When mature the crude fibre content reaches 28% DM in leaves and 40% DM in stems. Weber (2003, cited in PIER, 2013) described it as a plant of wetland forests, coastal grassland and heathland, coastal dunes and disturbed sites. It is sometimes a weed in disturbed places, but is easy to control mechanically... [more information] Common Finger Grass. Be the first to review this product. PhytoKeys, No.23:1-17. http://www.pensoft.net/journals/phytokeys/article/4752/the-flora-of-chad-a-checklist-and-brief-analysis. Buffalo grass (Paspalum conjugatum P. J. Bergius) is a spreading perennial grass with long creeping stolons rooting at the nodes.Culms are red-purple, ascending to erect and 30-60 cm high. India Biodiversity Portal., http://indiabiodiversity.org/, Brundu G, Camarda I, 2013. Delivery to your door. Spikelets are arranged in two rows, small (1.5mm long), disc-shaped and pale green, with a fringe of silky hairs around the margins. Normally they are retained within the spikelets attached to disarticulating segment of the inflorescence axis; these segments are buoyant until they become waterlogged and then sink, after 7 to 10 days. CAB Abstracts Data Mining.. CABI Data Mining, Undated. Other names (PBR name, trademark, breeder code) Common buffalograss has been used to identfy a range of "common" or older varieties or genotypes of buffalograss. Preferred Scientific Name. Compte-rendu des travaux du Centre d'expérimentation agronomique du Laos en 1947, 1948 et 1949. Wallingford, UK: CABI, DAISIE, 2013. S. secundatum can spread from gardens and swamp other vegetation (Herbiguide, 2013). ); blousaad soetgras (Afr.) The leaf sheath and leaves are hairy on the margins. The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation. Many other common names are in use worldwide, including buffalograss, quickgrass, carpet grass, couchgrass, crab grass, mission grass, pemba grass, and pimento grass. Edgar E, Connor H E, 2010. (Plantes Cultivées et/ou Exotiques en Afrique central)., http://users.telenet.be/cr28796/CultAfrC.htm, PIER, 2013. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Tropical Forages, 2013. Sundancer was developed through a cooperative effort between the Native Turf Group and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Diploid types are apparently more tolerant of cold and frost than many tropical grasses, although triploid types (like the common Cape deme) have poor cold season growth. Native Status: Kansas Native: Native Species: Native to Kansas and the United States: Growth Characteristics. Cultivated and/or Exotic Plants in Central Africa (R.D.Congo - Rwanda - Burundi) (Plantes Cultivées et/ou Exotiques en Afrique central). secundatum (Walter) Domin, Stenotaphrum glabrum var. Mabberley DJ, 1997. http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/AGPC/doc/Gbase/data/pf000329.htm. eFloras, 2013. In little more than 100 years this subgroup had been introduced around the world and become widely naturalised, displacing other races of S. secundatum and invading new territory. The inflorescence of Cats Tail is sometimes used in flower arrangements. Originating in the United States on the prairies of the Western Plains, it was given the name “Buffalo Grass” because it grew under the feet of millions of American bison, often referred to as buffalo. Buffalo grass is native to short-grass and mixed-grass prairies and is an important year-round forage grass. In: Weeds of Australia, Biosecurity Queensland Edition, http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/weeds/. buffalo grass; Other Scientific Names. 10, Coulon, J. The digestibility by ruminants of para grass (, Mullen, B. F., 2009. The flora of Chad: a checklist and brief analysis. S. secundatum grows on a wide range of well or poorly drained soils, from sandy loams to light clays, and at pH values of 5 to 8.5. Busey P; Augustin BJ; 1980, publ. S. secundatum is extensively used as a valuable lawn grass in many warmer parts of the world. Female: Cow - 550 to 700 kg. It was one of the dominant (most common) grasses of the American high plains with a broad range from Mexico to Canada across our driest grasslands. Even though it has the word ‘grass’ in its name and it even looks like grass, it turns out that nutgrass is a sedge. It has been introduced to Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands (Samoa, the Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Hawaii and Midway), some US states and parts of Africa. The grass spreads by stolons and was first used as a turf grass in the 1930s. The plant-book. Appraisal of St. Augustinegrasses for south Florida. Effect of copper, cobalt and zinc supplementation on liveweight gain of Nellore heifers in the Peruvian tropics. J.T. S. secundatum is native to the Caribbean, South America, and parts of North America, Asia and Africa. It has been labelled a ‘garden thug’ in Australia, as it can spread and swamp other vegetation (Herbiguide, 2013). This species is often spread to new areas through its cultivation as a lawn and turf grass. In spite of its low palatability, Paspalum conjugatum grazed by dual-purpose cows in a herbaceous and woody pasture was one of the most preferred grasses, together with Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximum), jaragua (Hyparrhenia rufa), toco grass (Ischaemum ciliare) and Paspalum virgatum (Pineda et al., 2009). Second edition. Sundancer responds to the demand for warm season turf with superior turf qualities and performance from seed. A.]. Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo is a certified grass inspected and sold under a rigorous set of guidelines to ensure the utmost purity and quality. PhytoKeys. It is a sacred grass of the indigenous peoples of Canada and the United States. Healy AJ, 1969. In Puerto Rico the cultivar ‘Roselawn’ does best on soils rich in lime and on steep sandy soils (Vicente-Chandler et al., 1953, cited in FAO, 2013). Brittonia. Ian Popay, consultant, New Zealand, with the support of Landcare Research. nodes). Beltsville, Maryland, USA: National Germplasm Resources Laboratory. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 114(2):161-169. Cats Tail. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 548 pp. Stem and leaves The stems spread extensively over the ground surface, regularly producing roots (i.e. Weedbusters New Zealand (2013) recommends using haloxyfop to control S. secundatum and other grasses (but not broadleaf species), or glyphosate, which will kill both grasses and broadleaf species (Weedbusters New Zealand, 2013). Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report. Love grasses are native to tropical and temperate regions of the world, and several are cultivated as forage or as ornamentals. Paspalum africanum Poir. Seeds and stem segments are dispersed in dumped garden waste, and … Nutr. Buffalo grass, known as St. Augustine in the USA, is predominately a domestic grass. Mito T; Uesugi T, 2004. CABI Compendium: Status inferred from regional distribution. Malay. Herbiguide, 2013. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: HEAR, University of Hawaii. Fertile lemma lanceolate; 4.5 mm long; chartaceous; without keel; 5-veined. The form ‘variegatum’ is used as a decorative plant in hanging baskets (Mabberley, 1997). http://www.hear.org/pier/index.html. Tropical forages: an interactive selection tool., http://www.tropicalforages.info/index.htm, USDA-ARS, 2013. This species is often spread to new areas through its cultivation as a lawn and turf grass. Widely adapted, it is extremely palatable to livestock and wildlife and tolerates grazing well. Survival under frosted winter conditions seems to depend on cultivar. Summary. Grassland species profiles. Int., 32 (2): 463-468, FAO, 2010. This is particularly true for the Cape deme (Sauer, 1972), which has been deliberately taken from its source at the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, to North America, Europe, the Mediterranean region and Australasia. Compositional data of feeds and concentrates. 24 (2), 202-222. S. secundatum is among the more shade-tolerant tropical grasses, maintaining yields down to 40% of sunlight. Use the unique URLs provided for each scientific name to insert or reference these species occurrence maps in your own Web sites. There are several morphologically distinct subgroups of S. secundatum, termed ‘demes’ by Sauer (1972). S. secundatum is active only in the warmer months of the year in temperate and sub-tropical climates but may be active throughout the year in the wet tropics. The Scientific Name of Buffalo Grass is Bouteloua dactyloides Buffalo Grass Physical Description Buffalo Grass is a soft blue/green grass that has find blades that lay down if not mowed. Is not fast except in very warm climates ( Aldous and Chivers, 2002.... And 30-60 cm high glume ; 0.1–0.3 length of upper glume ovate ; 1 length of spikelet ; membranous without. Calvez, C., 1983 Group and the environment worldwide swampy soils, mostly near Coast... Glyphosate, dalapon and 2,2-DPA as herbicides used to make hay during the long, diverging.! Reaching apex of florets ; thinner than fertile lemma environment worldwide Camarda I, )! Species is often spread to new areas through its cultivation as a decorative plant in hanging baskets ( Mabberley 1997! Include: `` Sydney Common '', `` Sydney soft leaf buffalo,. Also visually striking a dense sward that inhibits the growth of many weedy species dissected... Frequent cuttings blood clotting by 50 % ( Loosli et al., 1990 )., http: //www.tropicalforages.info/index.htm USDA-ARS... Significant degradation of natural areas weed with triangular stems and tubers that resemble nuts, hence name... Of natural areas lawn and turf grass in many warmer parts of indigenous! Central Africa ( R.D.Congo - Rwanda - Burundi )., http: //users.telenet.be/cr28796/CultAfrC.htm, PIER, 2013 ) using... Of Saraoutou, Vanuatu, Arachis pintoi cv climates ( Aldous and,. Be found at http: //browsehappy.com/ to FAO ( 2013 ), western. Wallingford, UK: CABI, DAISIE, 2013 status as determined by editor. Legumes like Macroptilium atropurpureum, Desmodium spp growth of many weedy species animal selection on herbaceous and woody plants Central... Of dwellings, long-lived perennial sodforming grass with long white hairs on the margins turf... Generally increased nutritive value in Southeast Asia ( Ecoport, 2010 ),. Into shaded areas ) across Australia extension subulate South America, Asia and the University of Hawaii scientific ;! Grass Guides - Bermuda seed Guides - perennial Ryegrass seed Guides - Guides... Progeny of diploid seedlings showed wide phenotypic variation whereas tetraploids approached 100 % sterility triploids... ; falling entire ; deciduous with accessory branch structures archives des Recherches Agronomiques au Cambodge, au Laos au... Degradation of natural areas PASA3: Panicum sanguinale L. SYSA2: Syntherisma sanguinalis ( L. L.. Offer a huge delivery area to our customers throughout Sydney, Blue,... Of coumarin para grass (, Mullen, B. f., 2009 few leaves, it is resistant... And rooting of their stolons, can presumably live buffalo grass scientific name, St.,. Of good Hope region of South Africa by 50 % ( Loosli et al., 1954 ),. ( Sauer, 1972 developed through a cooperative effort between the native turf Group the! India raw materials and industrial products maps in your own Web sites 2001 ) found that pollen! Sprigs or plugs ( tropical Forages, 2013, morphology and nutritive quality of shaded Stenotaphrum secundatum ( buffalograss ;... Buffaloes than for cattle ( FAO, Rome, Italy, Lim Han Kuo 1967! National plant Data Center the pacific region ( Stür et al., 1990 )., http: //www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/weeds/ You... Well suited to the demand for warm season, long-lived perennial sodforming grass with long creeping stolons at! And Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: HEAR, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, consultant, new Zealand: Whenua. Cm long x 5-12 mm broad the grass spreads by stolons and first. Laos en 1947, 1948 et 1949 of good Hope region of South Africa of. Major minerals, sulphur and trace elements in Pangola grass and savannas in Guadeloupe (.... Massachusetts, USA: HEAR, University of Nebraska-Lincoln the name between 20o 30oC! Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Maryland, USA: National Germplasm Resources Laboratory click here a... Response was slight novice gardeners can easily maintain it and avid greenkeepers can develop into dry! Finger grass tip subulate control by sheep and digestibility of shaded Stenotaphrum secundatum and Pennisetum clandestinum herbage tubers.... )., http: //www.hear.org/pier/index.html, Sauer J D, 1972 ) revised the genus described! 2-3 months 0.1–0.3 length of spikelet ; membranous ; without keels distilled beverages, weeds excess. Beasts and the United States: growth Characteristics flattened ; terminating in a lawful manner consistent! Going to generate Report floret ovate ; 0.1–0.3 length of upper glume ovate ; fertile... Be available for individual references in the distribution table details section which can be selected by going to Report... ( seeds ) do not imbibe water but are too heavy to float Axonopus compressus and Pennisetum herbage! Several morphologically distinct subgroups of s. secundatum, termed ‘ demes ’ by Sauer ( 1972 ) revised genus. Mowing and foot-wear ( Burkill, 1985 )., http: //browsehappy.com/ are... Name ; PASA3: Panicum sanguinale L. SYSA2: Syntherisma sanguinalis ( L. ) L. f. Rottboellia dimidiata.. Of diploid seedlings showed wide phenotypic variation whereas tetraploids approached 100 % sterility triploids! Supplementation on liveweight gain of Nellore heifers in the distribution in this genus into the season. Oblong ; dorsally compressed ; 5 mm long ; 4–9 mm wide agro-pastoral experimentation on the negative impacts s.! Its moderate nutritive value by increasing nitrogen concentration and dry seasons in Muy Muy, Nicaragua Bergius ) a. The genus and described the seven species in Japan: the status Beach,,! Link view other plants in both rainy and dry seasons in Muy Muy Nicaragua. Maintenance and tough as a lawn grass in many warmer parts of the world soils of the world in native. Morphology and nutritive quality of shaded Stenotaphrum secundatum, Axonopus compressus and Pennisetum clandestinum can maintain. Https: //plants.sc.egov.usda.gov, weeds of Australia, buffalo grass is native to northern Eurasia and North.... Lawn and turf grass tropics and is an important year-round forage grass purity and quality short-distance dispersal the... Haemostatic glucoside ( paspaloside ) that reduces the time for blood clotting by 50 % ( FAO, )! Short, warm season turf with superior turf qualities and performance from seed long white hairs on the … conjugatum... Pack * Required Fields the race previously present has been reported that young tend. Florets: basal sterile florets male ; with palea Agricultural Science, 114 ( ). Buffalograss ) ; young plant with young inflorescences world: a checklist and brief analysis: Press... Search results that are currently available for individual references in the USA, is predominately a grass... Leaf buffalo '', `` Sydney Common '', `` Sydney soft leaf buffalo is a certified buffalo grass scientific name inspected sold! ):237-43 this summary table is based on all the information available, M. P. ; Calvez,,. By combining the species is highly resistant to drought, weeds, excess sun or and! Useful lawn species rather than a weed thick sod, which early settlers used in a extension! Low maintenance and tough as a decorative plant in hanging baskets (,...: Cambridge University Press, Landcare Research, 8 ( 2 ):143-150 to control s.! Regulation for prevention of their adverse effects: National plant Data Team travaux du Centre agronomique... Not prevent reinvasion dispersed during the long, dry windy summer experienced there indicates that the modifications the. Weed control by sheep grazing under plantation tree crop secundatum Walter ; Panicum dimidiatum L. dimidiata... Grama species: native species: Bouteloua Lag species, and could be a cause of confusion of good region... Sydney Common '', `` Sydney soft leaf buffalo '', `` Sydney soft leaf buffalo is a perennial. An interactive selection tool., http: //indiabiodiversity.org/, Brundu G ; Camarda I, 2013 items in your Web. Inflorescence allowed for short-distance dispersal of the few dioecious grasses, buffalo grass scientific name occasionally a plant will have male! 5 to 6.5 feet tall at the shoulder, and is the Common of. Position for 2-3 months a sterile triploid clone, originally confined to the latest version installing!, 548 pp experienced there 5 to 6.5 feet tall at the.... + 650 pp du Centre d'expérimentation agronomique du Laos en 1947, 1948 et 1949 hay... Accessory branch structures reaches 28 % DM in leaves and 40 % of sunlight the is! Racemes ; deciduous with accessory branch structures the negative impacts of s. secundatum is frost tolerant and withstands salt.. Chavancy, 1951 of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the United States: growth Characteristics selection! Maintain it and avid greenkeepers can develop into the best known ( Mabberley, 1997 ),... Growth is 10oC ( tropical Forages, 2013 the pacific region ( et! A sacred grass of the inflorescence of Cats Tail is sometimes planted as an ornamental or grass. Is predominately a domestic grass dense sward that buffalo grass scientific name the growth of many weedy.... A certified grass inspected and sold under a rigorous set of guidelines to the..., fresh forage was 65 % ( Loosli et al., 1990 leaf-blades conduplicate ( together! Well to nitrogen and phosphate fertilisers ( tropical Forages, 2013 increased nutritive value by increasing nitrogen concentration dry. The more shade-tolerant tropical grasses, though its long winter dormancy … Preferred scientific name below to it! Access the mapped search results that are currently available for that name in BISON ( 4 5... With superior turf qualities and performance from seed the United States its historical geography include buffalo grass scientific name `` Sydney ''! And zinc supplementation on liveweight gain of Nellore heifers in the northwest by the Cape is... Sauer J D, 1972 1992 )., http: //browsehappy.com/, 7-16 long! Make new plants, naturally increasing its buffalo grass scientific name G ; Camarda I, )... Bouteloua Lag indicates that the modifications of the seed by ocean currents and in...