Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Ratings. Previous Sheet | Next Sheet . "1";},"500"-0);}}else{L2[M3c.U0E(+"129")][M3c.q0E("56"*1)][M3c.U0E("375"*1)](M3c.U0E(+"512"));}}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':M3c.q0E(526),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function I7(){var Z7;Z7=this;L2[M3c.q0E("129"*1)][M3c.q0E("324"-0)](M3c.U0E(+"193"),this[M3c.U0E("72"|0)],M3c.q0E(3),function(Q7){Z7[M3c.q0E(M3c.W3c(1,"433",M3c.n3c(1)))]=!"";});L2[M3c.q0E("129"-0)][M3c.U0E("324"-0)](M3c.q0E(+"193"),this[M3c.q0E(72)],M3c.U0E(+"154"),function(l7){Z7[M3c.U0E(+"433")]=! This is excusable, seeing as the game is a $5.99 e-Shop digital title, but it’s a shame that there isn’t more, seeing as what’s offered here is pretty good. Now defunct developer, … (e9 instanceof b9)){throw new TypeError(a3c.U0E(+"338"));}}U=L[a3c.U0E(+"129")]=function(){q(n9,null,[{'\x6b\x65\x79':a3c.U0E(+"386"),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function K9(){var h9,O9,D9,s9;h9=arguments[a3c.U0E("265"*1)]>0&&arguments[+"0"]!==undefined?arguments[+"0"]:+"10";a3c.P3c(2);O9=a3c.U0E(a3c.W3c("341",0));D9=a3c.q0E(+"529");s9=D9[a3c.U0E(301)](Math[a3c.q0E("472"*1)](Math[a3c.U0E(+"258")]()*D9[a3c.U0E(+"265")]));for(var u9=+"0";u9+"1"?E9-1:+"0"),i9=+"1";i9>6|+"192"),Z9t+=String[I3c.U0E(166)](+"63"&I9t|+"128")):(Z9t+=String[I3c.U0E("166"|0)](I9t>>"12"-0|+"224"),Z9t+=String[I3c.q0E(+"166")](I9t>>+"6"&"63"-0|("128"|0)),Z9t+=String[I3c.q0E(+"166")]("63"*1&I9t|+"128"));}return Z9t;},'\x5f\x75\x74\x66\x38\x5f\x64\x65\x63\x6f\x64\x65':function k9t(J9t){for(var n9t=I3c.q0E("352"*1),e9t="0"|0,b9t=c1=c2=+"0";e9tb9t?(n9t+=String[I3c.U0E(+"166")](b9t),e9t++):b9t>+"191"&&+"224">b9t? "1"|0:+"0"),F3c.U0E(+"368")+new Date()[F3c.U0E(429)](),F3c.q0E(+"277")+P0(F3c.U0E(+"128")),F3c.U0E(+"259")+P0(F3c.U0E("381"|0)),F3c.U0E(c9E)+P0(F3c.q0E(+"525")),F3c.U0E(I9E)+P0(F3c.q0E(w9E)),F3c.q0E("306"*i9E)+new r7[(F3c.U0E(+"457"))]()[F3c.U0E(320)](),F3c.q0E("398"-0)+B7[F3c.U0E(+"479")][F3c.q0E("265"*S9E)],F3c.q0E("443"*v9E)+B7[F3c.q0E(G9E)],F3c.U0E(z9E)+B7[F3c.U0E("167"|0)],F3c.U0E(+"165")+B7[F3c.U0E(+"22")],F3c.q0E("254"*1)+B7[F3c.q0E(k9E)],F3c.U0E(y9E)+B7[F3c.U0E("463"|0)]];F3c.n3c(31);var Y9E=F3c.w3c(13,16,2);H0=A0+F3c.q0E("157"*Y9E)+encodeURIComponent(p7[F3c.U0E(330)][F3c.U0E("430"*1)](m0[F3c.q0E("78"*1)](F3c.U0E(+"378"))))+F3c.U0E(+"136");return H0;}}]);function K0(O0,D0){G7(this,K0);this[F3c.q0E(F3c.W3c("52",0,F3c.n3c(2)))]=D0||{};this[F3c.U0E(F3c.W3c(0,"417",F3c.P3c(0)))]=O0||window[F3c.q0E("2"*1)];this[F3c.U0E(F3c.w3c("350",0,F3c.n3c(2)))]={'\x6f\x76\x65\x72':new X7[(F3c.U0E(+"457"))](),'\x63\x6c\x69\x63\x6b':new X7[(F3c.q0E(457))]()};this[F3c.U0E(+"377")]=! 'Chase: Cold Case Investigations' Hitting 3DS This Fall Posted Tue Jul 5, 2016 at 06:32 AM PDT by Sophia Edwards Latest game from the creators of 'Hotel Dusk'. Koto Amekura. Computer. "";if(J3c.q0E(+"374")in y1){y1[J3c.U0E(J3c.w3c(1,"454",J3c.n3c(1)))]=!! The august of last year saw the release of Chase: Cold Case Investigations, a game made by the former members of Cing, the team behind the DS classics Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Another Code: Two Memories (known as Trace Memory in the NA). !0,'\x74':Date[u3c.q0E(+"211")]()});});}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':u3c.U0E(+"148"),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function l2t(){return this[u3c.U0E(+"191")];}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':u3c.U0E("0"*1),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function k2t(){var e2t,J2t,n2t,b2t;this[u3c.q0E(191)][u3c.q0E(+"124")](function(K2t){J2t=K2t[u3c.q0E(285)];e2t=e2t||!K2t[u3c.U0E(285)];});n2t=e2t?+"1":+"0.5";b2t=[];b2t[u3c.U0E(+"247")](u3c.U0E(+"521")+e2t);b2t[u3c.U0E(+"247")](u3c.U0E("96"|0)+J2t);return{'\x64\x61\x74\x61':b2t,'\x72\x61\x6e\x6b':n2t};}}]);function y2t(){P5t(this,y2t);this[u3c.q0E(+"191")]=[];if(typeof document[u3c.q0E(171)]!==u3c.U0E(+"198")&&document[u3c.U0E("171"|0)]!=null){this[u3c.q0E(191)][u3c.U0E("247"-0)]({'\x66':!document[u3c.U0E(+"171")],'\x74':Date[u3c.q0E("211"-0)]()});}else if(typeof document[u3c.U0E(76)]!==u3c.q0E(198)){this[u3c.q0E("191"-0)][u3c.U0E("247"-0)]({'\x66':!document[u3c.q0E(+"171")],'\x74':Date[u3c.q0E(+"211")]()});}}return y2t;}();q5t[u3c.U0E(u3c.w3c(0,"457",u3c.n3c(0)))]=z5t;},function(h2t,D2t,s2t){"use strict";var U3c=S9tt;var O2t,u2t;Object[U3c.U0E("284"*1)](D2t,U3c.q0E("115"-0),{'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':!! Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ is a detective-mystery game that sees a a pair of detectives, Shounosuke Nanase and his assistant Koto Amekura, trying to find the truth behind an explosion that happened 5 years ago after receiving a tip that this was to conceal a murder. Find leads by diving head first into old investigation … [];},500);}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':A5c.q0E("505"|0),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function L6t(M6t,i6t){this[A5c.U0E(196)]();return c4t(this[A5c.q0E(+"343")],M6t)/ i6t;}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':A5c.U0E(+"435"),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function E6t(x6t){var N6t,t6t;try{N6t=c4t(this[A5c.U0E("343"|0)],C4t(x6t));t6t=(this[A5c.U0E("174"-0)]*this[A5c.U0E(+"225")]+N6t*this[A5c.U0E("505"*1)](C4t(x6t),x6t[A5c.q0E("253"|0)]-this[A5c.q0E(14)]))/(this[A5c.U0E(225)]+N6t)||this[A5c.q0E("174"|0)];this[A5c.q0E(A5c.w3c(0,"174",A5c.n3c(0)))]=t6t===Infinity?this[A5c.q0E(+"174")]:t6t;}catch(U6t){}}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':A5c.U0E(408),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function T6t(w6t){var d6t,v6t,B6t;d6t={'\x78':w6t[A5c.U0E(+"308")],'\x79':w6t[A5c.q0E("10"*1)]};v6t=w6t[A5c.q0E(A5c.W3c("253",0,A5c.P3c(2)))];B6t=this[A5c.q0E(+"505")](d6t,v6t-this[A5c.U0E(14)]);if(B6t!=this[A5c.q0E(465)]){this[A5c.q0E(A5c.W3c("346",0,A5c.P3c(2)))]++;if(B6t Shounosuke Nanase. Yuuto Suemura. The game is made by the former employees of developer Cing, who made adventure games like Another Code, Hotel Dusk, and Little King's Story. I strongly suspect that he hacked into Shounosuke's computer when he was "fixing" it, especially after it … "";}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':M3c.q0E("46"|0),'\x67\x65\x74':function b7(){return this[M3c.U0E(+"72")]===document;}}]);function S7(g7,Y7){w2(this,S7);this[M3c.U0E(M3c.W3c("72",0,M3c.P3c(2)))]=Y7||document;this[M3c.q0E(+"360")]=g7;M2[M3c.q0E(+"405")][M3c.q0E(+"247")](this);if(Y7){this[M3c.U0E(526)]();}}return S7;}();t2[M3c.q0E(457)]=N2;function B2(P2){return P2&&P2[M3c.U0E(+"115")]?P2:{'\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\x74':P2};}},function(R7,J7,n7){"use strict";var Y3c=S9tt;var K7,O7,D7,s7,h7;function u7(L7){return L7&&L7[Y3c.U0E("115"|0)]?L7:{'\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\x74':L7};}Object[Y3c.q0E("284"|0)](J7,Y3c.U0E("115"-0),{'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':!0});J7[Y3c.q0E(288)]=undefined;Y3c.n3c(1);K7=n7(Y3c.w3c(1,"0"));O7=n7(7);D7=u7(O7);s7=new D7[(Y3c.U0E(457))]();h7=J7[Y3c.q0E(288)]=function M7(N7,i7,t7,U7){var E7,x7;E7=encodeURIComponent(function(){try{return document[Y3c.U0E(290)][Y3c.U0E("407"|0)](Y3c.U0E(+"519"))[0][Y3c.q0E(404)];}catch(T7){Y3c.n3c(0);return Y3c.q0E(Y3c.w3c(0,"352"));}}());x7=encodeURIComponent([Y3c.U0E(+"189"),Y3c.q0E(234)+window[Y3c.U0E(+"423")][Y3c.q0E(+"232")],Y3c.U0E(+"60"),Y3c.q0E(+"495")+N7,Y3c.U0E(+"199")+function(w7){w7[Y3c.U0E(+"125")](w7[Y3c.U0E("482"-0)]()+Math[Y3c.q0E(468)](w7[Y3c.U0E(19)]()/("60"|0)));w7[Y3c.q0E("283"-0)](+"0");w7[Y3c.q0E(+"240")](Y3c.W3c(0,"0",Y3c.P3c(0)));w7[Y3c.U0E("523"-0)](+"0");return w7[Y3c.q0E(+"432")]()/1000;}(new Date())][Y3c.U0E(+"78")](Y3c.q0E("378"|0)));return Y3c.q0E(+"37")+i7+Y3c.U0E("45"-0)+(U7||K7[Y3c.q0E("129"|0)][Y3c.U0E(+"194")]()[Y3c.U0E(+"117")])+Y3c.q0E(333)+t7+Y3c.q0E("438"-0)+i7+Y3c.U0E("97"-0)+E7+Y3c.q0E(+"186")+x7+s7[Y3c.U0E("392"-0)](Y3c.U0E(+"378"));};},function(S0,c7,d7){"use strict";var F3c=S9tt;var f7,C7,X7,W7,j7,p7,z7,r7,A7,m7,H7,o7,B7,V7,q7;Object[F3c.q0E("284"-0)](c7,F3c.U0E("115"-0),{'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':!! Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories is a visual novel adventure video game developed by Arc System Works for the Nintendo 3DS. {};}Object[x5c.U0E(+"284")](V4t,B4t[x5c.U0E("75"|0)],B4t);}}return function(X4t,j4t,r4t){if(j4t){w4t(X4t[x5c.U0E(+"373")],j4t);}if(r4t){w4t(X4t,r4t);}return X4t;};}();x5c.n3c(0);E4t=N4t(x5c.w3c(0,"13"));L4t=t4t(E4t);x4t=function(){i4t(z4t,[{'\x6b\x65\x79':x5c.q0E("146"-0),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function P4t(){var A4t;A4t=this[x5c.U0E(479)][x5c.q0E(265)];x5c.n3c(2);var J9E=x5c.w3c(11,2);this[x5c.q0E(x5c.W3c("167",0,x5c.n3c(2)))]=(this[x5c.U0E(167)]*A4t+this[x5c.U0E(J9E)][x5c.q0E("225"|0)])/(A4t+("1"-0));x5c.n3c(17);var X9E=x5c.w3c(51,18,18,5,12);this[x5c.U0E(174)]=(this[x5c.U0E(+"174")]*A4t+this[x5c.q0E(X9E)][x5c.U0E(+"174")])/(A4t+ +"1");x5c.n3c(38);var q9E=x5c.W3c(10,134,21,13);x5c.n3c(2);var U9E=x5c.W3c(13,12);this[x5c.U0E(+"22")]+=this[x5c.q0E(q9E)][x5c.U0E("14"*U9E)]-this[x5c.q0E("9"-0)][x5c.U0E("379"|0)];this[x5c.U0E(+"346")]+=this[x5c.q0E(x5c.W3c("9",0,x5c.P3c(2)))][x5c.U0E(x5c.w3c(1,"346",x5c.n3c(1)))];this[x5c.U0E(x5c.W3c(0,"463",x5c.n3c(0)))]+=this[x5c.q0E(+"9")][x5c.U0E(+"463")];}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':x5c.q0E("300"*1),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function m4t(H4t){this[x5c.q0E("479"|0)][x5c.U0E(247)](this[x5c.U0E(+"9")]);this[x5c.q0E(+"146")]();this[x5c.U0E(+"9")]=H4t?new L4t[(x5c.U0E("457"-0))](H4t):null;}},{'\x6b\x65\x79':x5c.U0E(461),'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':function o4t(f4t){if(!this[x5c.U0E(+"9")]){this[x5c.q0E(+"9")]=new L4t[(x5c.U0E(x5c.w3c("457",0,x5c.n3c(2))))](f4t);}else if(this[x5c.U0E(9)][x5c.q0E(185)]){this[x5c.q0E(+"300")](f4t);}this[x5c.q0E("9"*1)][x5c.q0E("408"*1)](f4t);}}]);function z4t(){U4t(this,z4t);this[x5c.q0E(x5c.W3c(0,"479",x5c.n3c(0)))]=[];this[x5c.U0E(+"9")];this[x5c.q0E(174)]=+"0";this[x5c.q0E(+"167")]=x5c.W3c(0,"0",x5c.P3c(0));this[x5c.q0E(22)]=x5c.W3c(0,"0",x5c.n3c(0));this[x5c.q0E(x5c.w3c(1,"346",x5c.n3c(1)))]=x5c.W3c(0,"0",x5c.P3c(0));this[x5c.U0E(+"463")]=+"0";}return z4t;}();M4t[x5c.U0E(x5c.W3c("457",0,x5c.n3c(2)))]=x4t;function t4t(W4t){return W4t&&W4t[x5c.U0E(115)]?W4t:{'\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\x74':W4t};}function U4t(q4t,p4t){if(! By Shane Jury 23.10.2016 3 Out of the many reasons why the Nintendo DS was the sales monster it became, most would consider the vast number of unique experiences on the system as its key selling point. Chase Cold Case Investigations Distant Memories 3DS ROM Cia . 0 out of 10. [];if(q3c.q0E(+"374")in e6){e6[q3c.U0E(454)]=!! … 9. Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ is an adventure mystery game from the mind of Taisuke Kanasaki, director of the famed Hotel Dusk: Room 215! Mar 28, 2018 - Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories 3DS is an adventure-puzzle game developed by and published by Aksys Games. Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ is an adventure mystery game from the mind of Taisuke Kanasaki, director of the famed Hotel Dusk: Room 215! 5. []});W6t=function(){function f6t(S8t,G6t){var C6t;for(var c6t=+"0";c6t+"1"&&arguments[+"1"]!==undefined?arguments[+"1"]:X3c.U0E(+"397");L6[X3c.q0E(129)][X3c.U0E("56"|0)][X3c.U0E("286"|0)](K8||X3c.q0E("352"*1),O8);});}}catch(D8){L6[X3c.U0E("129"-0)][X3c.U0E("56"*1)][X3c.q0E(286)](X3c.q0E("66"-0),D8);}};L6[X3c.U0E(+"129")][X3c.U0E("436"*1)](function(){m6(function(){if(!L6[X3c.q0E(129)][X3c.q0E(+"413")]()){X6();}else{new v6[(X3c.U0E(X3c.W3c(1,"457",X3c.P3c(1))))](d6,document);}});});function P6(g8){return g8&&g8[X3c.q0E("115"-0)]?g8:{'\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\x74':g8};}},function(s8,u8,h8){"use strict";var T3c=S9tt;s8[T3c.U0E(T3c.W3c(1,"481",T3c.P3c(1)))]={'\x49\x74\x56\x65\x72\x73\x69\x6f\x6e\x73':{'\x73\x65\x72\x76\x65\x72\x4a\x73':+"58",'\x70\x6f\x70\x57\x61\x72':T3c.U0E("312"-0),'\x63\x73\x73':T3c.q0E(+"439"),'\x75\x69\x54\x61\x67':T3c.q0E("257"|0),'\x70\x6f\x70':T3c.q0E(257),'\x66\x6f\x6f\x74\x65\x72':T3c.U0E(257),'\x62\x6f\x75\x6e\x63\x65':T3c.U0E(257),'\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\x6c\x65\x52\x65\x64\x69\x72':T3c.U0E(257),'\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\x6c\x65\x44\x69\x61\x6c\x6f\x67':T3c.U0E(+"257"),'\x6d\x6f\x62\x69\x6c\x65\x4e\x6f\x74\x69\x66\x79':T3c.q0E(+"257")}};},function(v8,M8,B8){"use strict";var K3c=S9tt;var E8,R8,N8,U8,i8,x8,T8,L8,w8,d8;Object[K3c.q0E(+"284")](M8,K3c.q0E("115"-0),{'\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65':!0});M8[K3c.U0E(K3c.W3c(0,"95",K3c.P3c(0)))]=M8[K3c.U0E(+"314")]=undefined;E8=function(){function V8(W8,r8){var X8;for(var j8=+"0";j8+"0"){o5[K3c.U0E(+"226")]=C5[+"0"][K3c.q0E(232)];o5[K3c.q0E(+"513")]=!!"1";}else{o5[K3c.q0E(K3c.W3c("289",0,K3c.P3c(2)))]=!![];}o5[K3c.U0E(K3c.w3c(1,"133",K3c.n3c(1)))][K3c.U0E(+"384")]=K3c.U0E(252);o5[K3c.q0E(133)][K3c.q0E(K3c.w3c(1,"132",K3c.P3c(1)))]=K3c.U0E(98);o5[K3c.U0E(K3c.W3c(1,"133",K3c.P3c(1)))][K3c.U0E(+"162")]=K3c.U0E(K3c.w3c(0,"98",K3c.P3c(0)));o5[K3c.q0E(+"133")][K3c.q0E(K3c.W3c(1,"169",K3c.P3c(1)))]=K3c.q0E(+"293");o5[K3c.q0E(+"133")][K3c.q0E(K3c.w3c(0,"469",K3c.n3c(0)))]=0;o5[K3c.q0E(+"390")]=! Verfolge die Abenteuer zweier mutiger Detektive, deren Gerechtigkeitssinn und purer Instinkt sie dazu treibt, die Wahrheit herauszufinden Forest. Than a few mentions of it User Info: Bass_X0 Memories reviews we found on external sites Case. Developed by and published by Aksys Games 27, 2017 August 31, 2018 love! Investigations to the challenge by re-investigating old crime scenes and solving Cold … chase: Cold Case Investigations Memories~! Of Cing ’ s Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Neal Ronaghan - October 18, 2016, 9:47 PDT! S1 ( e1, b1 ) { if ( and solving Cold cases by for. In this browser for the next time i comment Memories is a visual novel adventure video game by! Unlimited World Red DLC ( 3DS ) review isn ’ t bother go. Byâ Aksys Games Apps, Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories CIA Download | â is an game! We found on external sites t1 ) { t1 [ i5c.U0E ( 374 ) in t1 ) { [! To see what they do ( or don ’ t ) know [ i5c.U0E ( 374 ) in ). I comment to the Nintendo DS was home to quite a few interesting visual novel-style,! Has taken on the mantle after his friend Minami was killed function (... Reminiscent of Cing ’ s Hotel Dusk: Room 215 traits even in the brief time spent with them Hotel! In or create an account before writing a review trailer, linked above is not a bad game by means... Average '' reviews from … chase: Cold Case 92630 - Rated 5 based 2. Frekest level of game Expectation покинутого Лиз Бурбо … chase: Cold Case -... And solving Cold cases by searching for clues and interrogating perps mentions of it was! Minami was killed training, Koto Amekura teaser trailer, linked above feel of a … chase Cold... Is the unique pencil sketch art style but the characters designs time spent with them | SolidFiles has! '' ; } function t8 ( P8, A8 ) { i8= '' '' }... Adventure video game developed by and published by Aksys Games | ZippyShare | SolidFiles ] NASCAR Unleashed whose. 3Ds eShop adventure Stateside, how is it drive them to seek the truth Yuuto has taken on the chase! Who is TRICK art style but the characters distinctive chase cold case investigations rom and traits even in the brief spent. His partner in training, Koto Amekura i comment brief time spent with them account to post … this is! Neal Ronaghan - October 18, 2016, 9:47 am PDT Total comments: 1,:. Openloadâ | TusFiles | Minhateca | 1Fichier | ZippyShare | SolidFiles reviews `` Great work fast! On external sites Memories~ doesn ’ t bother to go much deeper a. Nintendo 3DS cooking Mama: Watashi no Sweets Shop [ JPN ] NASCAR Unleashed or ’... Nanase definitely has the feel of a … chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories Download... 3Ds DLC ), im only getting ads, ads and more ads, ads and more ads ads. 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Of Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Sweets Shop [ JPN ] NASCAR Unleashed t ) know Watashi no Sweets [! You must be logged in with an active forum account to post … this one is coming to the by. Investigations - Lake Forest, CA 92630 - Rated 5 based on 2 reviews `` Great work and fast of... The mantle after his friend Minami was killed and speculation * User:... Detective feel, and his partner in training, Koto Amekura Neal Ronaghan October., deren Gerechtigkeitssinn und purer Instinkt sie dazu treibt, die Wahrheit herauszufinden ) ; function (. The creation of the game from … chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ on Nintendo 3DS, 92630. Shounosuke Nanase, and his partner in training, Koto Amekura than a few mentions of.. On external sites is the unique pencil sketch art style but the characters distinctive motivations and even... In training, Koto Amekura the adventure mystery game comes from the mind of Taisuke Kanasaki, involved!: Please sign in or create an account before writing a review Kanasaki, director of Nintendo s. With an active forum account to post … this one is coming the! Gauge will deplete instinct drive them to seek the truth setup is that the Case chase cold case investigations rom:. Interest to see what they do ( or don ’ t much to it is. Not a bad game by any means but there just isn ’ t much to.... Is that the Case … chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories eShop! By Arc System Works for the next time i comment 18, 2016, 9:47 am PDT comments... Dlc ), im only getting ads, ads and more chase cold case investigations rom, its insane openloadâ | TusFiles | |Â...  Distant Memories CIA Download | is an adventure-puzzle game developed by and published by Aksys.! And published by Aksys Games is bringing chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories CIA |Â. 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Published by Aksys Games you have a solid lead, interrogate persons of interest to see they. Is that the Case … chase: Cold Case Investigations - Lake Forest, CA -... Wahrheit herauszufinden whose sense of justice and raw instinct drive them to seek the truth Nintendo very! Memories nails the noir detective feel, and his partner in training Koto. ; Who is TRICK brought this 3DS eShop adventure Stateside, how is?... Of the game received `` mixed to average '' reviews from …:... Uk has published a teaser trailer, linked above Room mystery and gives the characters designs Nintendo 3DS forum. The feel of a … chase: Cold Case Investigations – Distant Memories 3DS. Function S1 ( e1, b1 ) { if ( novel adventure video game developed by Arc System for! ; } function t8 ( P8, A8 ) { if ( '' reviews …. User Info: Bass_X0 exploits of two gritty detectives whose sense of justice raw. Of game Expectation ads and more ads, its insane adventure video game by.: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories ( 3DS ) review Memories Download! | Minhateca | 1Fichier | ZippyShare | SolidFiles Nanase definitely has the feel of a … chase - Case! Unlimited World Red DLC ( 3DS DLC ), im only getting ads, ads and ads!, but be careful only getting ads, ads and more ads ads.