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Syllabus Course Description: Algebra II is a two semester course. Lessons. 4). 6.. Chapter 3 Resource Book. MATH 101 E.S. This section is a collection of lessons, calculators, and worksheets created to assist students and teachers of algebra. To download free answer key for pre-algebra test you need to Keystone Algebra I Review 1. This means that our answer … 1. Associates Degree and Non-transferable Courses (For math course below pre-algebra, see the Learning Skills section of the catalog) MATH M09 PRE-ALGEBRA 3 UNITS, Math 143 - College Algebra (Online) 3 Credits Term: Instructor: Spring 2010 Ken Floyd (208) 732-6583 Office Location: Office Hours: Shields 206E 1-2 PM, M - F E-mail: 10 AM - Noon Saturday, UNIT PLAN: EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS Summary: This unit plan covers the basics of exponential and logarithmic functions in about 6 days of class. 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