2. Set up the room for the facilitated workshop: Create a “Parking Lot” flip chart and tape it to the wall, Create a “Ground Rules” flip chart and tape it to the wall, Create a “Prioritization Matrix” chart and tape it to the wall, Tape 5 to 6 blank flip chart sheets to the walls for brainstorming. Understand the nature of your problem, 2. To quote the movie Ghostbusters, less a scientist and more a game show host[1]. As facilitators, one of our key roles is to guide the workshop to ensure participants walk away from the session honing in on the learning objectives. • Ask participants to name ground rules during your pre-workshop interviews. Avoid side General Rules You Must Know about Participants' Ground Rules 2 Free Training Resources 4 . Post the workshop Ground Rules, including: Only one conversation at any given moment, No hierarchy in the room; everybody and their ideas are equal, Turn off cell phones, tablets and computers (or at least put them into buzz mode), Share any and all ideas (the only bad idea is the one that isn’t shared), Breaks are planned throughout the workshop, so please stay with the group as much as possible, Open the workshop with a welcome and introductions. Copyright © 2019 - Upskill Consulting. Be on time. Increases participants’ safety and intimacy. Review Parking Lot items and discuss any potential follow up steps. Share an Agenda . There are meeting ground rules because meetings are an ideal forum in which to both articulate and model target behavior. By identifying how teams would like to interact with each other, team members recognise the importance of respecting the individual needs of others. Aim for diversity in experience, opinions, seniority, and interests. Ground Rules Synonyms … So I created a “checklist” of tasks, plus tips and techniques, to ensure a successful workshop. Scenario #3: What would you want to know or do if you could access and analyze data in real time? Required fields are marked *. Share interview questionnaire with interviewees prior to the interviews. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Resources needed: Paper or online list of ground rules. About ground rules. Scenario #2: What would you want to know or do if you could get all internal (consumer comments, work orders, physician notes) and external (social media, mobile, blogs, public) unstructured data sources? For some years now I’ve been seeing my role of designer gain a new dimension: I’m facilitating workshops more and more where we co-design brands, products and services. It should be well crafted with attention to what the full group needs to discuss. Usually, these factors are centered on the participants. One thing that this checklist won’t address is having a workshop leader with strong facilitation skills. A calm environment encourages participation and learning. Review ground rules to open each meeting to remind attendees how they should work with each other. Workshop Ground Rules. All meetings need an agenda that includes a realistic schedule. Introverts don't like to argue, for the most part. Sofia has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Simon Fraser University, a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Human Resources Management from Kwantlen Polytechnic University and holds her Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation. Share the business and IT interview key takeaways (15-20 minutes). Interested in learning more about our train the trainer courses? No Disturbances: Cell phones should be turned off at the beginning of the workshop and should remain off until the end except during breaks. Golden rules for a good workshop 1. Mentimeter allows you to create questions (such as multiple-choice questions) in their web application and participants can answer them from their mobile devices. She is the Principal and Lead Consultant at Upskill Consulting, a Human Resources (HR) Consulting firm based in Langley, BC, offering personalized and tailored HR support, services and solutions to the Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver regions. Make your points clearly, don’t ramble. September 5, 2018. by Laura Newcomer in Office Tips. Everyone must be on time throughout the workshop. But the average person is able to decode verbal information four to five times faster than the average speaking rate. Determine ground rules for the workshop. Good ground rules create a productive and calm learning environment. The interviews should address the following: What are the key objectives and responsibilities of their role? Establish Who’s on the Call. Nor … Ground rules detail the code of conduct for a meeting, explaining the behavior that's expected of all meeting participants. Challenge the participants on the ground rules early and often. Your workshop participants are valued members of the organisation, quite often senior members of the organisation. The term ground rules was originally used to describe the rules of baseball that teams agreed to use in a particular venue, or grounds. Respect for the views of others. Comment on our posts and share! Below is a list of a few ground rules I’ve picked up along the way and have since leveraged in my training sessions/workshops. We promise to start and end the meeting according to the times on the agenda. Assume best intentions, but do not assume anything else. School bells across the country will soon be ringing again, which serves as a reminder that education is a lifelong journey. Ground rules don’t have to be complicated and should be limited to about five or six to make them easy to remember. Meaning is in the listener. How To Run A Workshop: Guidelines and Checklist, Dell Technologies and its group of companies, A Symbiotic Necessity: IT Powered by Human and Machine Intelligence, Accelerating the Analytics Value Cycle to Drive Tangible Business Outcomes, Set Up Your IoT Infrastructure for Success by Using a Platform of Platforms Approach, Powering New Insights with a High Performing Data Lake, 3 Ways You Can Drive Digital Innovation and Improve Your Customers Experience, Resident Engineers – the Helping Hand Your Company Needs to Drive into the Future, How to Modernize Your PC Management Approach, A Year in the Life of Our Cloud Journey: From App Strategies and Management Tools to Self-Service, 10 InFocus Topics You’ll Want to Remember From 2020, Learning Accelerator Program: Worker Skills Keeping Pace with Technology, When Proactive Situation Management Saves the Day, 3 Use Cases for AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Healthcare, Digitization and Proactive Support, Identify the targeted business opportunity, Identify the business stakeholders to participate in the workshop. Identify tangible and intangible workshop deliverables. Your email address will not be published. Brainwriting is a terrific tool for engaging participants in anonymous idea generation. Share the roles of the workshop team (facilitator, data scientist, subject matter expert, scribe). Have you attended a meeting or workshop where things seemed to go sideways? Those rules were — … Keep Up the Pace. Serving Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver regions. Be prepared to contribute to achieving the meeting goals. Sam and Meg simply lay these out after introductions and prior to any activities happening. Regardless of your age, you and your writing can benefit from stepping into a classroom – even if you haven’t done so since high school. How to be a good writing workshop participant. The facilitator … Limit the number of participants. Respect each others’ thinking and value their contributions. Everyone is encouraged to participate.You may be asked to share what you think, or we may ask for comments from those who haven't spoken. When to use: Start of session, workshop, or conference. Punctuality. Participants should brainstorm individually; otherwise good ideas can get lost when there are overpowering personalities in the groups, Have the workshop participants group the sticky notes into “common themes” or use cases (30-45 minutes), Tip: Have participants stand around the flip charts and move the sticky notes into “common themes” on the flip chart sheets, Once the sticky notes are grouped into common themes, use a marker to draw a circle around each of the themes and give each theme a short name, Have the workshop participants prioritize the common themes (or use cases) relative using the Prioritization Matrix (30-45 minutes), Use the Prioritization Matrix to drive group consensus on the placement of each use case based upon its business impact vis-à-vis its implementation feasibility, By the end of the prioritization process, the top two to three use cases that settle in the upper right quadrant are good candidates for a Proof-of-Value lab, Tip: Ask qualifying questions to understand why one use case is more valuable or less feasible than the other use cases; capture the justifications, Summary the workshop findings and the next steps (15 minutes). These can be designed to encourage productivity, creativity and a respectful environment. 3. I’ve found it really useful to set some ground rules for Zoom for conference calls and workshops before getting going. The free version allows 3 participants per workshop. But the average person is able to decode verbal information four … Often meetings turn into social gatherings. Consensus means “I can live with it” Explain why the participants are there and the objectives of the workshop. We define an “interactive workshop” as a structured set of facilitated activities for groups of participants who work together to explore a problem and its solutions, over a specific period of time, in one location. While it may sound trivial (heck, can’t just anyone lead one of these workshops? 1 Show up on time and come prepared 10 Ground Rules for Meetings. Share time so that all can participate. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ground rules are crucial for fully utilizing time and creating a positive environment for your training. This person needs to have strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to be both empathetic and demanding at the same time. Ground rules are often based in part on concerns raised by parties during preliminary analysis interviews where parties are asked to suggest rules. Ground rules for using Zoom for conference calls. Have the executive sponsor led a discussion about the targeted business opportunity (15-20 minutes). Ask the participants to follow the agenda and conference call ground rules. Identify level of detail needed for all workshop products. No matter how well you set the ground rules, some people will be intimidated by others, or feel that they should just go along to get along. Kevin Herrin, VP of IT Infrastructure Platform & Engineering, revisits our cloud journey milestones from 2020 and k…. So please join the conversation. Respect each other as human. 6. Bringing workshop facilitation into my design practice results in a number of changes. Have everyone share their name, their responsibilities, and their expectations for the workshop. Descriptions of your target groups (or “user profiles” ) may help guide your choice of participants for an interactive workshop. Listen with care instead of “building your story”. Honesty. Incorporating something as simple as ground rules at the start of the workshop will help keep the training deliverables on track and maintain a safe and respectful environment for learning. Step Up, Step Back. Watch this 9 min video to have a successful workshop: 1. Post the ground rules in a central location so that everyone can see them. 1. Present the written agenda or schedule for the day so everyone is aware of the day’s activities. Therefore, all participants must review the ground rules to ensure they begin negotiations with shared expectations. Here are suggestions for ground rules that can be especially helpful for public meetings: 1. Ground Rules We believe that in a short workshop – like a Safe Zone (yes… we believe 3 hours is short)- it is not the wisest use of time to have participants create ground rules themselves. Check out our popular training programs and read our client testimonials on the proven results of our training at http://www.upskillconsulting.ca/testimonials/. Ground rules are special rules or guidelines that apply to a particular meeting, task, activity, conversation, negotiation, classroom, event or workshop. 5 minutes 12 shares share infographic. Workshop facilitators often establish ground rules at the beginning of the workshop. These guidelines, often referred to as "ground rules" or "community norms," should provide the community within a workshop or class a framework to … This edition of Communiqué offers a few important ground rules for running effective virtual meetings. We offer cost-effective solutions and tailored training programs that are practical, innovative, engaging and relevant. Meeting Owners (see: How to Run a Great Meeting/ ) on their own, with their core leadership team (see: How to Form a Core Leadership Group) , and with help from a trained facilitator if available, develop three to six ground-rules to review with attendees. Scenario #4: How would you leverage predictive analytics? Ground Rules. Workshop should: • build in time for teachers to share with other teachers: Wine and Whine! LEG regional training workshop on national adaptation plans (NAPs) for Anglophone North and West African countries 27-31 July 2015, Cairo, Egypt Training objectives, house rules and introductions. Be patient when listening to others … Let everyone participate. Workshop: Introductions & Ground Rules. 5. SEND US SOME FEEDBACK >>, © 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Interested in learning more about our train the trainer courses? Keep paper and pencils handy, as you’ll probably need them. Listen from the “We” but speak from the “I”. While many public organizations use parliamentary procedure as a form of ground rules, such formal rules may not be sufficient or appropriate for guiding public discussion. • Work with your planning team to devise a draft list of ground rules. Review the prioritized list of potential “Analytics Opportunities.” Verify that everyone buys off on the end result. When designing a tabletop exercise, certain “ground rules” should apply.A tabletop exercise can be the simplest type of exercise to conduct in terms of planning, preparation, and coordination. Before the Workshop • Ask participants to send you a list of potential ground rules. Taking your HR and business focus to the next level. The value of this ground rule is twofold: First, it forces people to recognize … Workshop: Targeted Business Initiative Discussion, Workshop: Envisioning The Art of the Possible, [1] Dana Barrett (Sigourney Weaver): “You know, you don’t act like a scientist.”, Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray): “They’re usually pretty stiff.”, Dana Barrett: “You’re more like a game show host.”, Analytics Big data analytics checklist Data Science data scientist data scientists illustrative analytics metrics Social Media. Then stop and … Incorporating something as simple as ground rules at the start of the workshop will help keep the training deliverables on track and maintain a safe and respectful environment for learning. Whenever you hope to facilitate conversations on social justice concerns, whether preparing for a one-hour workshop or weaving such discussions into a year-long class, a vital first step is the development of guidelines for participation. 10 Survival Rules for Workshop Facilitators. Use the right language, 3. Be generative and use “Yes…and” thinking (not, “Yes…but”) Listen to understand. Tip: have the workshop participants capture one idea or thought per Post-it® note (sticky note) throughout the four scenarios; have the facilitator place the sticky notes on the flip charts on the wall as the ideas or thoughts as they come up, Tip: very useful to have the facilitator read aloud the idea or thought as they are posting it to the wall; this helps to fuel the creative thinking process, Value Chain Analysis and/or Five Forces Analysis can uncover additional insights the business stakeholders want out of the data, Tip: never let workshop participants brainstorm in groups. Team members are fed up with meetings.That’s the conclusion of countless studies, including a report by Harvard Business Review, which found 70 percent of survey participants … Sam and Meg simply lay these out after introductions and prior to any activities happening. If you are using more than two or three ground rules, try focusing on particular items during appropriate activities or discussions. We are NOT defining consensus as everyone’s favorite or top choice. This allows people to talk and share more willingly. What are the organization’s value drivers (e.g., the key activities that help the organization make money), Collect sample reports, spreadsheets and/or dashboards, Collaborate with the “data czar” to secure a small, sample data set (5-6 GB) from which the data scientist will create, Confirm your workshop facilitation team, which should include a lead facilitator, an industry or functional subject matter expert, and a data scientist. This is a public discussion, not a debate. The final deliverable should include the following: Prioritization Matrix with use cases in the agreed upon matrix locations, The Post-it (sticky) note content grouped by use cases or common themes, Documentation of the Parking Lot items (for potential follow up), Data Assessment worksheets that assess 1) the business value, and 2) implementation feasibility of each data source. The first time that you identify a workshop participant is quiet, just hold your hand up to the workshop attendees, go over to the quiet participants and tell them that they have not contributed yet or are being quiet. Stage 2: Define Workshop Principles, Products, Place, Process Tangible Deliverables: Workshop Agenda Tasks 1. Do you present these protocols or ask participants to come up with their own? Ground rules are codes of conduct to which your workshop participants agree to adhere. Ground rules to choose from: Act as part of collective leadership vs. representative of a constituency Such agreements are called: Ground Rules (GR). Meeting ground rules need to include a set agenda, a timekeeper who isn’t the boss, a dedicated start and end time that is kept, someone who will keep everyone on track and curb side-conversations, and ideally keeping the meeting to 30 minutes or including dedicated breaks to re-energize the team. In establishing the ground rules, consider the many factors that are involved. But when you can’t see people and can’t hear what people are doing on the other end of the line, it’s much harder to keep people focused and on track. What is the purpose of having ground rules? Most participants usually speak very slowly, careful of what they say and how they say it. Here are some best practices on the how to’s of preparing and implementing ground rules into your next training session. We can help. Punctuality: Arrive on time to each workshop session. Share the envisioning and data science work (30-45 minutes). Ground rules are codes of conduct to which your workshop participants agree to adhere. 6 ground rules for productive meetings #Meeting #Productivity. Be timely: Start and end the session on time, take brief breaks, and be ready to start when breaks are over. Be brief. We will look at the ways to do that later. It is always OK to "pass" when you are asked to share a comment. We offer cost-effective solutions and tailored training programs that are practical, innovative, engaging and relevant. Draft generic and special principles (ground rules). To ensure that the actual planning retreat is as productive as it can be, ground rules should be established and discussed prior to commencement. Guidelines that ask everyone to participate equally such that everyone talks and … Give everyone space and time to express their opinion/make a contribution. Submit your email once to get access to all events. When it’s your time to talk, be brief. Remember that no one has all the information, and don’t interrupt. Listen when others speak. 4. Schedule workshop participants. In a previous article, Advance Your Meeting Conversation with Norms, we explored general meeting norms for process, preparation, and communication, as well as norms for specific types of meetings, like brainstorming and decision-making.In this post, we explore how to make norms an ongoing meeting practice. Good ground rules create a productive and calm learning environment. Bring Issues to the Table. Ideally, ground rules are created and agreed to by the people participating in the meeting, because groups more easily accept and abide by rules they've set themselves. (Optional) Have an icebreaker, like “share with the group something about yourself that you don’t think anyone else knows.”, Explain the purpose of the “Parking Lot” (i.e., captures topics that are outside the scope of the workshop and keeps the workshop moving in the right direction). Everyone participates, equally. Keep Up the Pace. This is why team/business ground rules are central to the performance of any team. Ground rules are a lot easier to enforce when you can make eye contact or use body language to keep people in line. Most participants usually speak very slowly, careful of what they say and how they say it. prepare a checklist 2 weeks ahead of time: Goals Activities Equipment Handouts Prepare an agenda or schedule - which can be flexible Send a letter to participants telling them what to bring 2. Let us know what we can do better or let us know what you think we're doing well. Giving participants a say in what you’ll cover has at least two benefits: You’ll avoid devoting your time and energy to a workshop that won’t be useful for your participants. Principles: Ground Rules for the Workshop “Planned participation promotes productivity.” —Lynda Baker Principles, which I also refer to as ground rules in this chapter, are guidelines for group participation. Confirm, clarify, and gain consensus on the interview findings. In some of my larger calls, I use the same sort of ground rules I’d use if I were running a formal meeting. Meeting norms, or ground rules, set the foundation for how a team collaborates. Open the workshop with a welcome and introductions. Lead the participants through a series of big data brainstorming scenarios (30-45 minutes) including: Scenario #1: What would you want to know or do if you could get access to ALL the transactional data (not just a small sample); if, for example, you had all data from the last 10 or 20 years? Throughout Sofia's career she has engaged in various functions of HR, always with a mindset of translating business strategy into systematic HR initiatives. I received feedback that Chapter 9: “Identifying Big Data Use Cases” from my book Big Data: Understanding How Data Powers Big Business needed more details, especially the part on how to run a workshop. Meeting Owners should make it a point to walkthrough all ground-rules for new attendees ahead of, or at the start of, their first meeting. Let’s hear them! Come to the meeting with a positive attitude. Over the years I have accumulated a list of helpful ground rules to make brainstorming sessions efficient, worthwhile, and effective: [ Don't call it a brainstorm: 10 tips for better innovation ] 1. What are some of your ground rules? Explain why the participants are there and the objectives of the workshop. Helpful for: Setting the stage for collaboration and participation, by giving people permission and support for sharing with and learning from each other. We believe that in a short workshop – like a Safe Zone (yes… we believe 3 hours is short)- it is not the wisest use of time to have participants create ground rules themselves. Our Team becomes stronger with every person who adds to the conversation. It is quite likely that other workshop participants do not share these views. The kind of rules to be created may depend on the age range, region, social class, and educational level of the members. 1. You will vary their use depending on meeting type, participants, deliverable, and timing. It changed how I design (tools and methods), what I design, and even who designs. Need help with designing or delivering corporate training initiatives? Treat all meeting participants with the same respect you would want from them. Part 2: Succession Planning: Building your bench strength. Try to speak one at a time so that we can pick up the conversation in its entirety and better identify the individuals. The Learning Never Ends: My Top 5 Reads of 2019, Training Needs Assessment: The What, Why and How To, Shifting to virtual: 3 tips to foster and promote team collaboration, Shifting to virtual: 3 tips for providing feedback to virtual teams, Goal-Setting: Checklist for Leaders and Team Members, Part 3: Onboarding Best Practices (First Month and Year). Groups are generally more committed to rules they have freely chosen. Mentimeter allows you to create questions (such as multiple-choice questions) in their web application and participants can answer them from their mobile devices. Our Workshops. Keeping conference call meeting participants focused and on track takes a special set of ground rules. Or somewhere in between? Who’s next in line? Open the workshop with a welcome and introductions; Explain why the participants are there and the objectives of the workshop. Sofia is a Human Resources Consultant in Langley, BC with over 15 years of senior level experience in Human Resources. Sign up for Q&A. “Be Here... 2. Come to the meeting with a positive attitude. Have you facilitated a session where participants and discussions seemed to go off on a tangent and get out of control? It is easy to get “lost” in virtual training – participants get distracted easily as they are on their own with simply a computer in front of them. Her specialization in HR includes training and capability development, performance management, employee engagement, change management and organizational development. The purpose is notto win an argument, but to hear many points of view and explore many options and solutions. Your email once to get access to all events are valued members of the workshop and conference meetings... Existing operational plans quote the movie Ghostbusters, less a scientist and more a show! 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