One study evaluated the effects of five cooking methods on the antioxidant and nutrient composition of kale. There are some concerns about eating raw kale, as goitrins can decrease the uptake of iodine, which is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. By blocking the iodine that your body needs, it causes the thyroid to get bigger because the cells overgrow, creating a goiter. Defrost before cooking and enjoying, or add the raw greens straight to your blender from the freezer to make a smoothie. Server responsed at: 12/23/2020 2:58 a.m. All texts are contributed by our excellent writers. Not so fast. Therefore, you can eat raw kale in a smoothie since it gives you nutritional value. You can feed leafy greens such as kale raw, lightly cooked, or dried. … and in Fudge Pops and Chocolate Pudding Organic, Non-Thermal Pasteurization Method, Liepouris – Red Wine Not Merely A Drink, But A Medicine, Monoxilitis – Olive Groves From The Garden Of Virgin Mary, Global Food World, Athens Promo Event, November 2019, Evonymon – Fine Olive Oil For Fine Tastes, High Fibre Saves Lives, But Food Processing May Remove Benefits. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Although kale is good for us it is advisable to eat them in moderation. If you have kale or other cruciferous vegetables a few times a week, mix them up with non-cruciferous vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and carrots. Dream to travel around the world, eat all the delicious foods and see different people. Most kale will develop new leaves after you clip a few. Kale is a nutrient-dense food, as it’s low in calories and high in many important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This leafy green comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures. If you’ve been to a Whole Foods recently, you probably already know that kale scores a perfect 1000 on Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Aggregate Nutrition Density Index (ANDI).. And if you’re a fan of No Meat Athlete on Facebook and saw the infographic we shared a few weeks ago, then you know that per calorie, kale has more iron than red meat and more calcium than milk! Stick to the occasional raw kale salad or superfood raw smoothie to err on the safe side and avoid unpleasant side … Your dog’s size also plays a role. Due to kale’s nutrient composition, eating it may offer several health benefits, including promoting eye and heart health and protecting against certain forms of cancer. You’ll also get instant access to my library of free ebooks and resources. While it is great when cooked, raw kale can also be good, though there are something about raw kale to know before you enjoy it. Kale, along with other cruciferous vegetables, contains a high amount of goitrogens, which are compounds that can interfere with thyroid function. There are a whole BUNCH of kale varieties out there and do not b… Bake as normal and enjoy fully. You can eat raw kale it is perfectly safe, but it normally tastes nicer wilted! Kale is one of the healthiest foods on the planet due to its high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, raw kale also contains a compound called goitrin, which can affect thyroid function. To freeze, blanch and store in airtight plastic bags. As a result, for those who prefer cooked kale, steaming it for a short duration may be the best way to preserve its nutrient levels. Often labeled as a superfood, kale is one of the healthiest and most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. Or broccoli? Kale is one of those all-important super foods that is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Raw kale may be more nutritious, but it may also harm your thyroid function. By accepting this box it means you are ok with our terms and privacy policy. However, raw kale also contains a compound called goitrin, which can affect thyroid function. You can even find it in the chip aisle. Raw, in a salad – Kale doesn’t need to be cooked to be enjoyed. It is a dark leafy green rich in vitamins A, C, K, carotenoids, flavonoids and fiber. Do you prefer it raw or cooked? Kale can be stored in a refrigerator or cold location for 2-3 days. Kale also contains isothiocyanates. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Specifically, raw kale contains a type of goitrogen called goitrins. But like most other cruciferous vegetables, eating a large amount of raw kale can inhibit the uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland. they provide a number of health and beauty benefits. No, eating raw cruciferous vegetables with one or two meals is fine as long as you have gotten enough iodine in the diet. Name. I mentioned earlier that chlorophyll in kale can help break down stone. Kale salads can, indeed, be delicious. "In fact, recent research found eating both cooked and raw kale can help you reap the best benefits of Brassica veggies," she penned in an article in Good Housekeeping. If you slice it into very, very fine ribbons it makes a great salad. Compared with raw kale, all cooking methods resulted in a significant reduction in total antioxidants and minerals, including calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. Rule numero uno in how to eat kale is to know the difference between the varieties of kale out there on the supermarket shelves (or even better, growing in your back yard!). Kale needs to be babied, coddled even. Yes, guinea pigs can eat kale if given moderately and occasionally. As it turns out, no, according to Jaclyn London, a registered dietitian. Kale is packed full of things that are good for you like protein, vitamin A, and vitamin K. But if you have an underactive thyroid, it might be a good idea not to eat too much of it. Additionally, animal and human studies indicate that eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts doesn’t significantly affect thyroid hormone levels or functioning, suggesting that moderate amounts may even be safe for those with thyroid issues. Raw Kale Selection and Storage. Kale can be a wonderful treat for guinea pigs and can be given once or twice a week. Kale is low in calories (100 g of kale has 50 C), and is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and beta carotene. For instance, the amount of … Here are five ways we like to eat kale. Raw kale and other cruciferous vegetables, such as collard greens, cabbage and turnips, contain isothiocyanates, a compound that can block the thyroid enzyme TPO which is responsible for attaching iodine to thyroid hormones to make them active in the body. Stop right there, you salad-loving fiend. Kale contains many beneficial nutrients, but it’s not good idea to eat these hearty raw leafy greens on a continual basis. Save Share via: More; Sign up NOW for my best tips delivered weekly to your inbox! Still, given that cooking vegetables deactivates the enzyme responsible for releasing goitrin, those with thyroid problems may benefit from cooking kale before eating it, as well as ensuring adequate intake of iodine from foods like seafood and dairy. A small amount of kale is probably harmless, but not all dogs react the same way. Furthermore, regular intake of cruciferous vegetables has only been associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer in women with very low iodine intake. If you find raw kale a bit too intense, give the leaves a nice massage first. “Kale is also a good source of iron and pairing it with foods rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, citrus fruits or lemon juice, help with absorption,” she says. Its rough texture and slightly bitter taste are the perfect match for lemon and some sharp, salty pecorino. To reduce your risk of potential side effects from goitrins while reaping all the nutritional benefits that kale has to offer, consider incorporating both raw and cooked kale into your diet. Now, chickens do have very different dietary requirements to us, they can’t live on fresh veg and other foods we consider healthy – but rounding off their diet with foods like kale is beneficial for them. It’s often eaten raw in salads and smoothies but can also be enjoyed steamed, sautéed, boiled, or baked. Still, studies have shown that cooking it may reduce its content of nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamin C, and several minerals. However, raw kale might not be … Happy every day. (If your recipe uses any liquid, you could also place the kale and that liquid in a blender and pureé it to make it smooth.) Does this mean you should never eat raw vegetables? Certain compounds in the vegetable can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis and essentially … However, if consumed to excess, raw kale can cause unpleasant effects such as fluctuations in metabolic health, weight, blood sugar and in some instances can cause kidney irritation. 6 years ago. As a result, thyroid dysfunction can lead to reduced energy levels, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, and irregularities in heart rate. Kale and other cruciferous vegetables do not cause thyroid problems on their own, which can happen because of many potential facts like iodine deficiency. However, research has shown that a moderate intake of goitrin-rich vegetables, including kale, is likely safe for most individuals. Rutabagas and turnips are a source of calcium and folate and, best of all, they are low in calories (17 C/small turnip). When cruciferous vegetables are cooked, it greatly lessens the actions of the enzyme that keeps iodine from your thyroid. A kale salad for lunch sounds so good, doesn’t it? Selenium is an important nutrient that helps support iodine levels in the body. While raw kale may boast the highest nutrient content, the study found that steaming retained the most antioxidants and minerals, compared with other cooking methods. You can make sure you get enough iodine by including seaweed and other iodine-rich foods in your diet. Yes you can eat Kale raw, in fact this is best way to eat it, as far as getting all the nutrients from it. The problem is, kale also contains calcium oxalate. Kale is a tough green, and many people have a difficult time chewing and eating raw kale. Grab the leaves by the handful and rub them vigorously to break down some of the fibers that make them so tough. The best thing to do is to vary your greens on a daily basis. Do you eat kale? Often labeled as a superfood, kale is one of the healthiest and most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. What do you think of the answers? To get it soft, silky, and easy to consume, fill a pot halfway to the top with water and bring it to a boil. Can You Eat Raw Kale, and Should You? Once the water is bubbling, place the kale in the pot and let the leaves sit in the water for 5-10 minutes. Have you ever tried to eat kale in its raw state? Bunches of kale in the supermarket should contain robust, bright leaves rather than those that have wilted or yellowed. Sign in. Your new fave leaf comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours and each variety is suited to different types of dishes. When raw kale is chewed and digested by your intestinal bacteria, the bacteria release substances called goitrogens that increase the need for iodine when consumed in small amounts and can damage your thyroid gland. Besides kale, other vegetables that should be cooked before being eaten include broccoli, collard greens, mustard greens, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, arugula and turnips. Can You Eat Raw Kale? Raw vegetables such as kale also have a large amount of indigestible fiber — not ideal for your stomach to handle in large amounts.