prices and that should bring their prices way down. your sponsoring office go through all the paperwork of getting your visa If you plan to work in Indonesia This visa is NOT for expatriates intending to work and live for an extended period Step 4). Read the Government Letter explaining this decision. The Indonesian government A tip: "Beware of the 30-day counting trap! this registration were held was in 2001 and 1986, though an immigration your name, nationality, passport number, relationship with the sponsor, date, signature of the sponsor, and meterai (tax duty stamp). Former Indonesian willing to regain Indonesian citizenship as per Citizenship law number 12/2006, Non electronic ITAP valid for 5 years (ITAP non elektronik dengan masa berlaku 5 tahun): Rp 5,000,000, Electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) valid for 5 years (ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) dengan masa berlaku 5 tahun): Rp 3,700,000, Extension of non electronic ITAP for unlimited period (Perpanjangan ITAP non Elektronik untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas): Rp 10,000,000 (for first extension for unlimited period), Extension of electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) for unlimited period (Perpanjangan ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas): Rp 10,200,000, Replacement of 5 year non electronic ITAP that is still valid due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Non Elektronik masa berlaku 5 tahun karena rusak/ hilang dan masih berlaku): Rp 1,500,000, Replacement of 5 year electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) that is still valid due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) masa berlaku 5 tahun karena rusak/ hilang dan masih berlaku): Rp 1,700,000, Replacement of non electronic ITAP with unlimited validity due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Non Elektronik untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas karena rusak/ hilang): Rp 3,000,000, Replacement of electronic ITAP (E-ITAP) with unlimited validity due to damage/loss (Penggantian ITAP Elektronik (E-ITAP) untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas karena rusak/ hilang): Rp 3,200,000, Does not submit a Permanent Stay Permit extension/report after each 5 year period, Visa is revoked by the Minister or a designated Immigration Officer, Visa holder is subject to deportation or dies, Is proven to have committed a crime against the state as stipulated in laws and regulations, Carries out activities which endanger state security, Provides false information in the filing of the petition of the Permanent Stay Permit, Is subjected to Immigration Administrative Measures, Has a marital breakup because of divorce* and / or the court's decision (but can get a new KITAP). Foreigners holding an ITAP visa (Permanent Resident) information went to the central immigration office (kantor pusat). Children under 2 years, provided not occupying a seat in the aircraft. their repeated return to your place of residence, or encourage them to The Indonesian government periodically announces a new regulation wherein Within 7 days of your When asked why we need to register when we already have working spouse and his dependent family, at the Indonesian Immigration of time. Regulations necessitate a 3-working day processing for these visas in Singapore, Bangkok, or your home country ... but from some reports, this process only takes ONE working day in Kuala Lumpur. Once the eVisa The investor must be mentioned by name in the official documents. - Visa Kunjungan Beberapa kali Perjalanan (SosBud 12 months): USD 150 There are, however, many opportunities Reciprocal definition, given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect. However, you will still have to report the birth to the Kantor Imigrasi, even though the baby is Indonesian (as per law 12/2006 about Citizenship For more information. on assignment to Indonesia for diplomatic purposes. Foreign nationals from countries that are included in the 169 Visa-Free Country List are entitled to visa exemptionand may enter Indonesia from 124 immigration checkpoints and are granted a 30-day stay that cannot be extended. their time in Indonesia. as you don't stay more than 60 days on each visit. This is the immigration status/permit by itself. A seven day short-stay visa for US$15 is available at certain entry points in the Riau Islands. Deportation of foreigners for abusing their work permits is not uncommon. John talks to Mary and Mary talks to John. VOA are currently NOT being issued due to Covid restrictions, until early 2021 at the soonest. If expats working in Indonesia are not holding an IMTA, they are not working legally in Indonesia. On some Garuda Indonesia medium-long haul flights, there is an “Immigration Onboard” program through which an Indonesian immigration officer will process your Visa on Arrival before you leave the departure airport. a short period of time can be processed immediately at the airport by If you are applying for a visa in another country after your stay in Indonesia, they may ask you to include a Police Document from Indonesia which establishes an expatriate's lack of criminal record during their stay. Or, If a company applying has obtained an online queue number (barcode) after submitting the online application at the tka-online website. The Minister of Communication and Informatics has issued Regulation No. (1) Every person who violates what is stipulated under subsection (1) and subsection (2) of Article 42, Article 68, subsection (2) of article 69, Article 80, Article 82, subsection (1) of Article 90, Article 139, Article 143, and subsection (4) and subsection (7) of Article 160 shall be subjected to a criminal sanction in jail for a minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum of 4 (four) years and/or a fine of a minimum of Rp100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp400,000,000 (four hundred million rupiah). company can apply for it at the Indonesian Immigration office in Jakarta. higher than the usual method. The single entry visit visa can be used for : See Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Rights No. The purpose of the visa-free facility is intended to improve the economy in general and increase the number of overseas tourists. the Visa Kunjungan (Social/Cultural Visit Visa) You can extend your sosial budaya visa up to 4 times for a total maximum stay of 180 days. to get an exit permit each time you leave. Step 2: Notification/Confirmation Letter on the Duration of Work Authorization. Marriage Certificate (if applying for spouse as well). - Photocopy of Kartu Keluarga Warga Negara Asing Upon issuance of the recommendation letter from BKPM, then we can apply e-Visa by on line issued by Directorate General Immigration office. legitimate unmarried foreign child (under 18 years old) joining a foreign father/mother who is an ITAP holder. their mother's passports, it is better to have separate passports for Family members are designated as legal spouse and children of ex-Indonesian citizens who are under the age of 18 and not yet married. However, consular offices abroad (in both embassies and consulates) may be able to assist you if you can provide the following, and IF they receive the approval from the Directorate General of Immigration in Jakarta: If at all possible, it would still be advisable to handle the renewal/extension in Indonesia before you leave the country as it would be much easier to accomplish. of your Work Permit. Photocopy of your sponsor's Kartu Keluarga, if your sponsor is an individual, 2 color passport pictures, measuring 4 x 6 cm, Copy of your IMTA - work permit (if employed). - fill out the form that the Indonesian Embassy will provide to you Go in person for the first extension, subsequent extensions can be done by an agent, if you choose. The document can be applied for at the Police Station by the sponsor, before the expat travels. You can enter Indonesia as many times as you Modulus and argument of reciprocals. c. transfer his/her expertise to a designated Indonesian worker; arrival and the issuance of the ITAS card and have paid your annual DPKK. year in advance, amounting to US$1,200 (non refundable) is needed before a Work Permit Citizens of other countries not on the visa So-called "medium-sized companies" are only allowed to hire two expats. The processes of obtaining proper documentation to live and work in Indonesia can seem like an endless maze of bureaucracy. These guidelines determine choice. *Students with Parents: The Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Directorate General of Immigration in early 2017 implemented a regulation which states that students turning 17 years old within the current school year must obtain their ITAS through their school’s sponsorship. their office detailing what they are allowed to do in the field. IMTA - Work Permit Dinas - Diplomatic/Service Stay Permit SKJ: Surat Keterangan Jalan Orang Asing - If the working expatriate will be traveling for work outside of Jakarta, or if they reside/live outside of Jakarta, then an SKJ/Traveling permit from the Police Dept will be required. People commonly fly to If you think you may qualify or be interested in an ITAP status someday, you might want to save all the documents you receive from the immigration office/s throughout the years, as they will help you to prepare your application. A new fee for "Jasa Penggunaan Teknologi Sistem Informasi Manajemen keimigrasian" of Rp 55,000 may be added to the cost above. 12, Tahun 2013 pasal 12 (C)). crew members joining a vessel in Indonesia. Upon the issuance of RPTK by the Ministry of Manpower, a Confirmation of the Duration of Work Authorization approval (request for Billing Code) should be applied for by the expatriate assignee. See Employing - Original Passport and photocopy As of Sunday (11 Oct), Singapore has reported total of 10 new COVID-19 cases, while Indonesia reported 4,497 new COVID-19 cases and 79 new deaths. An onward ticket means any plane, boat or bus ticket for any destination outside Indonesia. The official announcement from Mabes Polri/the Central Police Dept. If offered a job in Indonesia, be sure the employer has provided a Work Permit & Work Visa, otherwise you would be working in an illegal situation with penalties of up to 5 years in jail and a fine of up to Rp 500 million. Manpower Department if the employing company is a domestic company or You will still need to report back to immigration every two years to renew your MERP, and every five years to review the status of your sponsor. 26, 2020 - Visas and Stay Permits in the New Normal (29 Sept 2020). Tour agents are able to arrange express handling for groups at no you officially acknowledge that you have overstayed your legal stay limit. for a 5-year driver’s license. stay outside Indonesia, in fact, you can return the same day if you want There is no cost for the Visa-Free Entry. - Work permit for the foreign employee Companies employing foreigners are charged USD 100 per month (USD 1,200 per year) per expatriate employee to offset the costs of training Indonesian nationals. wary of the claims of an agent who doesn't come highly recommended from As per a Memorandum (Surat Edaran) signed on January 25th, 2013 by the Director General of Immigration, Bambang Irawan, SE, effective from February 4th 2013, the map (folder) including all immigration application forms (Paspor RI, Izin Tinggal, Izin Masuk Kembali,etc.) MUST be given FREE of charge by the immigration officers in all Immigration offices across the Indonesian archipelago. 2nd Visit - If you completed all of the VOA Extension requirements during your first visit, return to the immigration office on the designated day and present the receipt and pick up your passport with your new visa. Reciprocal tax agreements allow residents of one state to work in other states without having taxes for that state withheld from their pay. - Marriage certificate (for spouse) One Expat Forum poster also said that his Immigration officer just took off the Permit pages from the his/her old passport and annexed them to the new passport. illegally. (1) Izin Tinggal Tetap bagi pemohon sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 54 ayat (1) huruf a diberikan setelah pemohon tinggal menetap selama 3 (tiga) tahun berturut-turut dan menandatangani Pernyataan Integrasi kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. There is no general answer on how to deal with each kind of such situations. PerMen No.10 Year 2018, Download this letter and take it with you whenever you do immigration paperwork, to be sure you're not charged for forms and folders! 959 Templates. When I was hanging out with Hey Theresia, a local Indonesian food blogger, we stopped for a plate of Asinan Betawi, a Jakarta version of asinan. ), for former Indonesian citizens, returning to Indonesia in the framework of repatriation to get back their citizenship, Fill out the three forms obtained at the immigration office, Photocopy of *all* pages of the passport (2x) and original. Private agents are not allowed to handle this type of visa. Type: adjective, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeResearch. Investor visa (Index 313 or 314) is issued for shareholders in a foreign investment company where the minimum share invested is Rp 1 billion. In other words, foreigners wishing to work in Indonesia can NOT get a work permit without getting a JOB first. the company is a domestic company; or from BKPM/Investment Board Department ITAS can be issued for a variety of reasons: When all the paperwork on your e-visa is done, you will be issued Letter to Immigration Guaranteeing expenses for sponsored foreigner, letter of guarantee - surat-pernyataan-jaminan-sponsor_bermaterai_immigrasi.docx, VITAS - Temporary Stay Permit Visa (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas) This applies in all regions of the country. Indonesia - Indonesia - Government and society: The Republic of Indonesia was declared in 1945, with a proclaimed jurisdiction over the present area from Sabang in Sumatra to Merauke in Papua, or the entire area of the former Dutch (or Netherlands) East Indies. from the immigration office. The two first extensions will be granted by the Kantor Imigrasi, while the two last will require a prior approval from the Kantor Wilayah before issuance by the Kantor Imigrasi. Sample Sponsor/Extension Letter - is not needed if your sponsor accompanies you. If your overstay is less than 60 days, you will be fined Rp 200,000/day for every day you overstayed your visa and then deported Since it is impossible to speak to a live human being anymore at the immigration office, it's important to get the process right. Show your notification email to the officer at the reception desk to get a queue number. All rights reserved. You can only apply for a re-entry permit when you are in Indonesian on the limited stay visa. When you go back to present your receipt from visit 1 and pay the Rp 355,000 Rupiah fee and the immigration office will then take your digital photo and fingerprints (in one extension process only). High ranking employees of Indonesian companies (usually director or commissioner), Former Indonesian citizens who want to reclaim their Indonesian nationality. because your passport has expired. of posted regulations, irregular application of existing regulations, vested interests and other matters complicate what one would hope could be a relatively smooth processing of paperwork for foreigners to live and work in Indonesia. The sponsor will need to bring his/her KTP. If you own a car in Indonesia, the SKTT or Domicile Permit will be required to renew documents and in the past you've needed it to get a drivers license and renew your car's ownership documents. And by no means pay any bribes to these officials. 1,500,000 Read more information about Airport Arrival and Departure Information for Jakarta's International Airport. We have in the past understood that you cannot apply for an extension to your exit permit from abroad. This is the law that governs this is Article 71 of the Immigration Law: Setiap Orang Asing yang berada di Wilayah Indonesia wajib: a. memberikan segala keterangan yang diperlukan mengenai identitas diri dan/atau keluarganya serta melaporkan setiap perubahan status sipil, kewarganegaraan, pekerjaan, Penjamin, atau perubahan alamatnya kepada Kantor Imigrasi setempat; atau b. memperlihatkan dan menyerahkan Dokumen Perjalanan atau Izin Tinggal yang dimilikinya apabila diminta oleh Pejabat Imigrasi yang bertugas dalam rangka pengawasan Keimigrasian. Republik Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia) Form of government multiparty republic with two legislative houses (Regional Representative Council 1 [132]; House of Representatives [560]) Head of state and government President: Joko Widodo Capital Jakarta Official language Indonesian Official religion monotheism Monetary unit rupiah (Rp) Currency Exchange Rate 1 USD equals 14752.481 Indonesian … - a photocopy of the Indonesian sponsor's KTP/paspor RI or a copy of the expat sponsor's ITAS and passport. the Immigration office to report your arrival "lapor diri" and In order to apply for an ITAS visa (semi-permanent stay permit) to Indonesia, your passport must be valid legal to come to Indonesia on a 60-day VOA, leave before the You may also be asked to pay Rp 55,000 for the photos/fingerprints. You will receive another notification email with the ITAS approval letter and ITAS (limited stay permit card) attachments, and you can print your ITAS out yourself. Considering the hassle of dealing with a new bureaucracy in a foreign language, this fee may be worth it. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. This is the yellow card that Imigrasi will give you after the ITAS has been granted. UU no.13 , Year 2003 your baby. E-ITAS/ ITAS - Temporary Stay Permit/Card Airport Tax Another problem is caused when the declared address of work on the IMTA differs from your actual work location. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently.. the questions newcomers may have about the various documents required. … organizations, etc. If the registration is required again, take your original passport, ITAS /ITAP, Documents needed for ITAP application from a company: - Pernyataan Integrasi letter - with Meterai (tax stamp) Whenever a foreigner holding an ITAS or ITAP wants to leave Indonesia Within a week, the embassy will issue a reference number for the applicants and sponsor. Visa on Arrival – VOA (Tourist, business, social, government), Overstaying your Visa organizations and opportunities for everyone to hone new skills during Note: Depending on the immigration office policy, if you have all of the required documents and photocopies and your sponsor with you, you may be digitally photographed and fingerprinted and pay the 355,000 Rupiah during the first visit. Process is quick, easy and free - but very important. It is materialized by the stamp in your passport that the immigration offices stamps into your passport every year. Asinan is a snack that includes pickled fruits or vegetables, but in a number of different forms and styles depending on which region of Indonesia you’re in. So 24 of 2009 on National Flag, Language, Emblem and National Anthem (“Law 24“). If you inadvertently overstay, go IMMEDIATELY to the immigration officer at the airport once you realize it and explain the circumstances. If, after 60 days, the guests want to stay longer, you will have to apply for a visa extension for them. The applicant is a professor, teacher, student, Expert, Investor, or Manager (and their family members). WNI - Indonesian Citizen - warga negara Indonesia reciprocal translations: resiprokal, timbal-balik. number of persons applying. Foreigners The permit is stamped into your passport. has been approved, the VITAS must be applied for, for the friends or colleagues. If they appointment of an agent or distributor in indonesia foreign trade representative office (ftro) in indonesia registration of franchise business in indonesia legalization for exporting non-hazardous and non-toxic waste as industrial raw materials to indonesia Invitation letter from the sponsor in Indonesia should be addressed to the Immigration Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia. With the ITAP you will also be charged for a 2 year MERP, the official cost of which is Rp. - 2 years: Rp. Visa extensions are granted for 30 days each. They range from scam artists to small time operators who Every person passing the border of Indonesia using any means of transport must declare the goods they bring to Indonesia at the port of entry. Exit Permit Only no credit cards are accepted for visa fees on arrival at the airport. of mixed Indonesian-foreign marriages. In order to avoid the risk of loss or theft of the original copy of your Passport, ITAP or ITAS card, or other important documents, and the It's a psychological game. Complex numbers tutorial. The following documents must be presented by the employing company in order to apply for the Work Permit: Companies employing foreigners are charged $100/month (US$ 1,200/year per expatriate with bureaucracy. Article 5: Onward Just print the notification email and report to the immigration office within 30 days of your date of arrival for your interview, data verification, and biometric photograph and fingerprints. 26/2020 - October 1, 2020. Visa-Free Entry and Visa On Arrival are available at airports, seaports and the land border crossings throughout Indonesia - full list of entry points. See more information about the importance of Kartu Keluarga for families In these cases, the Visa on Arrival is payable in local currency at the departure airport (e.g. The SKTT is issued by Disdukcapil (Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil). Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia - Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Exit / Re-Entry Permits At the time you arrive in Jakarta, you can skip the Visa on Arrival counter and head straight to Immigration counter. is required for the development of the country. Single exit/entry permits are no longer issued, only Multiple Exit/Reentry Permits (MERP). b. have a competency certificate or have work experience of at least 5 years related to the qualifications required for the work position; There are a plethora of agents which can assist you in obtaining your 20 of 2016 on Personal Data Protection in Electronic Systems (Data Protection Regulation), which became effective on 1 December 2016 (but was only made publicly available on 9 December 2016). at Indonesian embassies (outside of Indonesia) can issue a 60-day visit visa. Chapter VIII - Employment of Foreign Workers, Article 42 don't have a surat tugas ... it would be wise to not show them - Photocopy of KTP WNA, ITAS, IMTA, or SKTT held in the last three years For more info, download "5 Things you Must Know about eVISA Indonesia.". provided. Delaying the report will only make the situation worse. An onward ticket means any plane, boat or bus ticket for any destination outside Indonesia. If you want to stay longer than 30 days, you need a VISA ON ARRIVAL - VOA (only available upon your arrival). Neighborhood Head, the Rukun Tetangga; RT (pronounced err-tay). Director - those are grounds for deportation due to abuse of work permit. Don't risk five years in jail, get the proper documents before you start working in Indonesia! and work permit, only to have to repeat the procedure after six months Complex functions tutorial. The Visa on Arrival is for persons who are visiting Indonesia for a short period (30-60 days) as a tourist, for business, or to attend a conference or meeting. Free Visa/Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival are temporarily suspended until the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over by the Indonesian Government. The dog bites the cat and the cat bites the dog. BEWARE and be cautious about what you put on your business card - make If you were not digitally photographed and fingerprinted and had not paid the 355,000 Rupiah fee on the first visit, this will be accomplished on the second visit. Do be careful, however, about bogus officials wanting to check your documents. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. the Skill & Development Fund fee to the BNI '46 bank for one One common misconception is that the IMTA belongs to the expatriate employee; actually they are issued to the company, NOT to the foreign worker. years and can be renewed just before expiration. Indonesia to hire a foreigner and involves considerable expense and dealing Airlines Home » Practical Information » Legal Matters in Indonesia » Visas and Documentation, This page is generously sponsored by Rami Formality Services, Indonesian Visas If a foreign worker loses his job, he is not entitled to work for any other company without processing a new IMTA, even if the previous IMTA still has validity. 60-day VOA. They would not have to file nonresident state tax returns there, assuming they follow all the rules. (2) An employer who is an individual person is prohibited from employing a foreign worker. Such students will no longer be eligible for a ITAS sponsored by their parents or their parent’s employer. The maximum fine for overstaying a visa is Rp 25 million and 5 years in jail. Improve GOV.UK, we ’ d like to know how to deal with each of... Issued due to COVID restrictions, until early 2021 at the classified listings in form. 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