But their forebears were, generations ago, The ship could not weather the Cape Jackson point and was gradually, But the current recessionary trends are being, The child was in collision with a black Chrysler Voyager estate car, The plot of a film noir, generically speaking, is an ironic romance in which the knight's quest is, And he did so with an enviable manual dexterity, He explained that power lines were particularly vulnerable to wet snow, Until the fairgrounds started to use petrol and diesel engines their rides were, It was cold and dry, and their footprints were quickly obliterated by the powdery snow, Her disdain is getting personal, her subject matter less ephemeral, as she scolds rich Americans, Food scares such as mad cow disease and E. coli contaminations have, But as we have learned in this contest, Clarke is not exactly pure as the, Then, of course, as time went on, it was discovered that perhaps it was not as pure as the, For those who believe that big salaries should just get bigger, the implication is that top people are, In this, Grosvenor confounds every preconception you might have about highly, The engines had twin overhead camshafts which were gear, The fires knocked out a number of vital systems, including main propulsion, and she was left wallowing in 25 ft waves, For millions of poor peasants, it will mean being, Hyslop and Sturgeon are both in their 30s, both brought up in Ayrshire, both, Secure the board to the frame using small finish nails, From available evidence, it is believed that the short tunnel was, A challenge facing the designers is that the tunnel will be, This would affect a lot of people because many bankrupts, shall we say, are not entirely pure as the, The insurance companies in their standard policies exclude damage resulting from water, even if that water is, Elderly residents in a Maldon street have been, By now, Michelle had miraculously gained entry and was, In the last year, the mobile lab was also. But are birds unfeeling, mechanical songsters, Taylor drove off and rammed head-on into a car, In an increasing state of desperation, they find themselves, In the financial marketplace, the value of a stock can be, From a standing start six months ago, the party has devised and, You can actually see the scratchiness in the lines, evidence of actual pens, Many prosthetic hands were simple clamps or hooks, Mr Thomas said the steady increase in sales was being, All I wanted to do was to survive and really was, In what amounted to the ultimate consumer perk, we were. These were attacked on the 23rd of September 1823 by the Burmese, and driven from their post with the loss of several lives; and to the repeated demands of the British for redress no answer was returned. Called to office after disaster had driven Turkey's forces from Hungary and Poland and her fleets from the Mediterranean, he began by ordering strict economy and reform in the taxation; himself setting the example, which was widely followed, of voluntary contributions for the army, which with the navy he reorganized as quickly as he could. It is highly significant that Elijah, when driven from the northern kingdom by the threats of the Tyrian Jezebel, retreats to the old sanctuary at Horeb, whence Moses derived his inspiration and his TOrah. The driven woman was different than Xander remembered; this Eden had no vamp-army or grandiose plan of destroying a world. wrought-iron drive-pipe, terminating in a steel shoe, which is driven to the bed-rock, and a 71-in. Still hankering after Burgundy, Charles saw his French estates again seized; but after some desultory warfare, chiefly in Normandy, peace was made in March 1365, and he returned to his work of interference in the politics of the Spanish kingdoms. These machines, which are driven by compressed air, are very handy in use, as the height and direction of the cut may be readily varied; but the work is rather severe to the driver on account of the recoil shock of the piston, and an assistant is necessary to clear out the small coal from the cut, which limits the rate of cutting. She had taken a cab and driven home by a side street and the cabman had told her that the people were breaking open the barrels at the drink store, having received orders to do so. (Kobad), being driven out of Persia, took refuge with the Ephthalites, and recovered his throne with the assistance of their khan, whose daughter he had married, but subsequently he engaged in prolonged hostilities with them. Their territories are being rapidly occupied by Russians, and their settlements are cut in two by the Russian stream - the Baraba Tatars and the Yakuts being to the north of it, and the others having been driven back to the hilly tracts of the Altai and Sayan Mountains. In geared hoists the drums. As the surface gold of the islands was exhausted, and the feeble island races perished before the invaders, the Spaniards were driven to go farther afield. The power is usually transmitted through toothed wheels, each roll being driven independently in some cases, while sometimes power is applied to the lower roll only, the upper roll being coupled to it. The two advanced divisions were swiftly driven in on the others, who were given a little time to prepare themselves by the fact that in the woods the Confederate leaders were unable to control or manoeuvre their excited troops. Montrose was of necessity driven to play something of a double part. They relate that, after the death of his parents, Charles was driven by the machinations of the two sons of Margiste to take refuge in Spain, where he accomplished his enfances (youthful exploits) with the Mussulman king Galafre under the feigned name of Mainet. In electric cranes a useful method is to arrange the connexions so that the lifting motor acts as a dynamo, and, driven by the energy of the falling load, generates a current which is converted into heat by being passed through resistances. And that fact is driven home by its generally low price in most locations. Betsy had driven our only car so I wasn't able to drive over there myself. Dravelen, drabelen, drevelen, drivelen (Old English (ca. Landulf, a German to whom the see was granted by Henry II., was driven out in 1022, and his palace destroyed, but other Germans were invested with the see afterwards. President Johnson promised a War on Poverty, He hopped into the Range Rover and was swiftly, The execution of two police officers in cold blood has shocked the city and, But whereas Bezukhov is redeemed by his magnanimous virtures, Soledad is, He says those failures occur because many independent labels are artist, On one side of the main building there were four washing machines and two wringers, which were, Likewise, in a famous passage, Buridan is, Our analysis of 1170 mammalian karyotypes provides strong evidence that karyotypic evolution is, It might contain taxonomic or classificatory work, which is worthwhile but not, From time to time, the unending song, gently, They are hoping the work will be completed today and that it will give them the registration number of the car, Lela looked up, trying to hide her amusement as they saw Stasia, obviously, Thirty years ago, packaging machines were primarily mechanically, The potential new species strides ahead up the fitness curve, leaving its more poorly-adapted predecessors languishing behind, to the point when they are, It looks like the touch holes were plugged from the inside and then a steel cup was. A day later he called again, saying he had driven by the place and was willing to take it, sight unseen. This desolate region was subsequently peopled by Vlachs, whom the religious persecutions of Louis the Great had driven thither from other parts of his domains, and, between 1350 and 1360, their voivode Bogdan threw off the Hungarian yoke altogether. Nowadays, black kites are protected by law. Rollers up to 5 tons in weight are employed and are now generally driven by power. He was driven from the kingdom by Dion (356) and fled to Locri; but during the commotions which followed Dion's assassination, he managed to make himself master of Syracuse. While he was speaking, the curtain of smoke that had concealed the hollow, driven by a rising wind, began to move from right to left as if drawn by an invisible hand, and the hill opposite, with the French moving about on it, opened out before them. In the former, which is also known as " post and stall" or "bord and pillar " in the north of England, " pillar and stall " in South Wales, and " stoop and room " in Scotland, the field is divided into strips by numerous openings driven parallel to the main rise headings, called " bords " or " bord gates," which are again divided by cutting through them at intervals, so as to leave a series of pillars arranged chequer-wise over the entire area. He repeated their subsequent conversation after he'd driven down and met her. That the arctic flora was driven south into Central Europe cannot be contested in the face of the evidence collected by Nathorst from deposits connected with the boulderclay. Where the load has to be hauled up a rising gradient, underground engines, driven by steam or compressed air or electric motors, are used. Before the bottom of these pits reaches the level of the haulage roads below, a new set of roads will have been driven at a lower level and connected with the excavations above by the shafts. He had driven most of the two hours they were together while Patsy slept. When a shaft is driven by means of gearing the driving torque is measured by the product of the resultant pressure P acting between the wheel teeth and the radius of the pitch circle of the wheel fixed to the shaft. P'tahil had now lost his power over men, and was driven by his father out of the world of light into a place beneath it, whence he shall at the day of judgment be raised, and after receiving baptism be made king of the `Uthre with divine honours. In this sentence, it sounds like you shouldn’t take down any load that is holding up a wall. She exulted in the meeting of the states-general, and most of all when her father, after being driven to Brussels by a state intrigue, was once more recalled and triumphantly escorted into Paris. More than once he had driven them through the town with gypsies and "ladykins" as he called the cocottes. 3. The affair seems to have been well planned up to a certain point, and well executed; but the Athenian van, flushed with a first success, their ranks broken and disordered by a pursuit of the enemy over rough ground, were repulsed with great loss by a body of heavy-armed Boeotians, and driven back in disorder. Ferrara, successor of Scialoja, met a like fate; but Count Cambray-Digny, finance minister in the Menabrea cabinet of 1868-1869, driven to find means to cover a deficit aggravated by the interest on the Venetian debt, succeeded, with Sellas help, in forcing a Grist Tax Bill through parliament, though in a form of which Sella could not entirely approve. An attempt of the provincials to seize and hold a commanding hill in Charlestown brought on the battle of Bunker Hill (June 1 7, 1775), in which the provincials were driven from the ground, although they lost much less heavily than the royal troops. But, in spite of the sympathy of the king, Dl e attempt to raise armed bands in Venetia had no success, and wa became clear that the foreigner could only be driven from the of ninsula by regular war. What Denton wanted, he got - one way or another, and lately he seemed driven by some inner demon. Future Perfect Continuous - "By the time … Every nail driven should be as another rivet in the machine of the universe, you carrying on the work. In the 12th century Musatto, a Saracen, established himself in Cagliari, but was driven out with the help of the Pisans and Genoese. The smaller tribes have been exterminated, absorbed or driven farther west. In the United States the spikes are simply driven in with a maul, and the rails stand upright, little care being taken to prepare seats for them on the sleepers, on which they soon seat themselves. Edwy naturally resented this interference, and in 957 Dunstan was driven into exile. " 5); Yahweh's words are still good to them that walk uprightly; the glory of Israel is driven to take refuge in Adullam, l as in the days when David's band of broken men was the true hope of the nation, but there is no hint that it is banished from the land. She was ambitious, driven by her need for power. They appear to have been a nomad tribe, inhabiting part of the present Chinese province of Kan-suh, and to have been driven W. After Vasudeva's reign the power of the Kushans gradually decayed, and they were driven back into the valley of the Indus and N.E. In the spring the great herds of tame reindeer are driven out to swim Strommen and graze in the summer pastures of Seiland; towards winter they are called home again. independently driven. After each descent of the cutters, the fillet is advanced by small gripping rolls C C' C" worked by a ratchet wheel E driven from the shaft which bears the eccentric A. The king himself commanded the right wing, which had to wait until small bodies of infantry detached for the purpose had driven in the Imperialist skirmish line, and had then to cross a ditch leading the horses. The spindles of cutting wheels are driven by steam or electric power. Oligoneuria and allies) the legs are aborted, and the creatures are driven helplessly about by the wind. per mile, by a roller driven from one of the carriage axles. Next came the sowing, the seed being pressed into the soil by the feet of sheep which were driven over the fields. By this invasion, as the Moabites were driven to the south of the Arnon, which formed their northern boundary from that time, so the Ammonites were driven out of Gilead across the upper waters of the Jabbok where it flows from south to north, which henceforth continued to be their western boundary (Num. Drive-by in a sentence | drive-by example sentences. Driven from the Red Sea by Saladin, he turned from buccaneering to brigandage, and infested the great trade-route from Damascus to Egypt, which passed close by his seignory. The crusher is preferably driven by an independent engine, but with suitable gearing it can be driven by the mill engine. 7 delivered a half-hearted attack upon the left of the British position, following on a violent bombardment; but the assailants were driven off with little difficulty. Cranes driven by shafting, or by mechanical power, have been largely superseded by electric cranes, principally on account of the much greater economy of transmission. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. (5) The Teptyars, also of Finnish origin, settled among the Tatars and Bashkirs in Samara and Vyatka. 270+18 sentence examples: 1. Even in the practical sphere, however, Fichte found that the contradiction, insoluble to cognition, was not completely suppressed, and he was thus driven to the higher view, which is explicitly stated in the later writings though not, it must be confessed, with the precision and scientific clearness of the Wissenschaftslehre. It is worth noticing that Mill was one of the subscribers, and that Littre continued his assistance after he had been driven from Comte's society by his high pontifical airs. Their language, which is neither monosyllabic nor tonic, has nothing in common with that of the MonAnnam group. On the 5th of May 1809, Wellesley moved towards the river Douro, having detached Beresford to seize Amarante, from which the French had now driven Silveira. Synonym Discussion of drive. Saumarez, and driven to seek the protection of the Spanish batteries in Algeciras. During the great migrations in Asia from east to west many populations were probably driven to the northern borders of the great plateau and thence compelled to descend into Siberia; succeeding waves of immigration forced them still farther towards the barren grounds of the north, where they melted away. The Unionist party, both in Ireland and in England, became suspicious of the tendencies of his administration, and he was driven to resignation. Driven from it in 1795, he was restored by Lucien Bonaparte, during whose time of office he served as secretary to the prefecture of the Upper Marne. Let’s look at some of the ways to use, and not use, these words in English. In summer they are driven up to the mountain pastures (called here Almen, but Alpen in Switzerland), which are, however, less carefully looked after than in Switzerland, partly because in many cases they have been alienated by the neighbouring hamlets to far distant places. He wondered if years of disappointment had driven his most trusted friend away as greed did Ne'Rin's father. It most often appears in restaurant drive-throughs or on traffic signs. As soon as Carthage seemed to be recovering herself, and some of Massinissa's partisans were driven from the city into exile, his policy was to excite the fears of Rome, till at last in 149 war was declared - the Third Punic War, which ended in the final overthrow of Carthage. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The mosque was destroyed later on and the Mussulman settlers driven out. The charkha works similarly to the great wheel, with a drive … He remained there three years, and then went in 1580 to Neustadt, whither the professors of Heidelberg had been driven by the elector-palatine because they were not Lutherans. In the South Wales system of working, cross headings are driven from the main roads obliquely across the rise to get a sufficiently easy gradient for horse roads, and from these the stalls are opened out with a narrow entrance, in order to leave support on either side of the road, but afterwards widening to as great a breadth as the seam will allow, leaving pillars of a minimum thickness. Church could expect from its penitents, the more it was then that slowly! Fanatical fad about the trees days ' siege the Austrians were driven in and their recaptured... - to frighten or prod ( game, cattle, etc. we can ascertain, Scots... To intersect the deposit Pinetum ( in the pineal gland by Boer trekkers in 1837 some inner demon were... 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